Nisha47403's Profile

Nisha47403's Posts

Re: Conflict of interest?

yes, I would say it is a conflict of interest. why does our govt allowing her to be the head of the dept anyway? it all sounds corrupt. She is going to look to her personal gain and look out for the best interest of Novo Nordisk where Renaisaance fund will benefit the most. **sigh**

about 12 years ago
Re: 4 million shares traded - Nisha

okay, thanks for the insights. one more question, if there is a buyout or partnership, how are these warrants treated? are they worth more or less or worthless?

about 12 years ago
Re: I gotta say

In my opinion, if Al were to pass away prior to FDA Approval, the stock will plummet and become a penny stock for sometime. Depending on their contingency plans, partnership may take place sooner in that case. I don't see any other way to keep it going.

about 12 years ago
Re: Strong Buy? Hold, or Sell?

If you are looking for short term gain, then cash in profits now as the pps may go down before year end. there is a dark cloud hanging over mnkd pps and that is the financing/dilution discussions.

if you are in this for a long run, it might be worth sticking to it till FDA approval. you will be the judge of what suits you better. the potential for major profits is very high for long term investment strategy.

We don't know when there might be a partnership news in the middle of all this. but that will be a major catalyst to pps increase.

about 12 years ago
Re: 4 million shares traded - Nisha

Hi OPC/Rak/Baba

thanks for your quick reply with several options on table. OPC, you are right, the stock doesn't need to make it to strike price of $5 for me to make money, but right now my options are really under water. I am probably still better off salvaging what I can and look into warrants or 2015 LEAPs. I agree with you, the lower the strike price the higher the delta and that would be my goal moving forward. I just never anticipated stock to go down to $2 range after 2nd CRL and that too for such a long time it's been dead money.

I have a question about purchasing warrants. For example, if I buy 100 warrants that gives me right to buy 60 shares of MNKD at $2.40 but what if I don't want to exercise my right to buy? Can I just SELL the 100 warrants at a higher selling price and make profit? I am trying to find out which would be more profitable? It might depend on the current stock price at that moment. plz shed some light on this one.

Baba, you are lucky to make a good decision of selling in time just before the CRL and even some right after CRL. I made a huge mistake of buying regular stock of large quantity at a peak price just before CRL and I bought Jan 2013 options to allow me average down. My timing was not right both times. keep us posted of how things work out with your selling puts Jan 2013. good luck with your strategy. I don't think i have the stomach to take any more risk and loss after what I have gone thru with mnkd last two years. it's wiped out my savings, my hard earned money.

again, thanks all for your valuable input. If the stock price breaks out to $3.50 range, the options will start to look better for me to sell. i am watching this closely for the time being.

about 12 years ago
Re: 4 million shares traded

YOu bring up some great points; I would tend to agree with your option #3 which states "Partner unwilling to invest in global manufacturing without ownership or a sales track record (Afrezza)"

The concern is "How many times can MNKD dilute before FDA approval?" I am losing patience. My options are expiring in Jan 2013. I purchased 500 contracts jan 13 calls at strike 5 after 2nd CRL. I don't think we will make it to $5 by end of year and I am losing a lot of money.

I don't have any more money to buy at a lower cost now to bring my average down. what should be my selling strategy? any helpful tip is greatly appreciated.


about 12 years ago
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