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General Opinion and the relevant call on friday

Hi Guys,

from time to time I read your board but I'm much more active in the german one.
First of all...after the yesterdays aftermath, did noone ask the IR about the topics? Why the hell is everyone jumping up and running and guessing around? This is about money. This is about clarity. We all know that POET lacks in these things.

But in a word: Calm down. :) I was shocked about the dates on the presentation but there is only one way to find out more and this way ist to aks the IR.

Thats what I did and I demanded a management-statement. If this will follow? I dont know.

What brings me to my second point. The "Friday call". is this confirmed? If not: Dont expect one! DONT! That would only have the effect of disapointment but that would not be POETs fault - it would be because of your expectation and because you listen to Board-Readers and not to POET/POET IR.

Just my 2cents...Just thought it would be time to tell this. :)

almost 8 years ago
Re: SP is very important!

100% less? So you mean you get those companies for free? :)

And by acquiring companies you need to handle dilution in another way. POET receives IP, knowledge, production capacities...

Its not simply throwing more shares in the market.

over 8 years ago
Re: Pinetree news - Rockymica

Rockymica is one of a handfull of agora-members whos posts I read and take serious.

So for me it would be a real loss of quality on this board.

about 9 years ago
Re: wait and see mode

"yes you are correct Rainer. Final decision will be made in May but the NR you linked does not say it would be announced then. One can only hope they throw us a bone at some point in the very very near future."

NO! It doesnt even mean that there will be a decision in may. It is only said that there wont be a decision before may.

The final decision could be made in may, june, july...december...2076. There is no specific date!

All they say is that they are in discussions that will not end before may.

Is it really so hard to understand?!

over 9 years ago
Re: Nasdaq expectations

"I am expecting news this week!!"

May I ask you for the reason?

over 9 years ago
Re: Nasdaq expectations

@ etops: "If a new CEO isn't announced in the next two weeks we won't be able to believe anything."

Not really true. He told us that there will be a new CEO "...not before may..."

Thats a big difference!

over 9 years ago
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