NSX001's Profile

NSX001's Posts

Re: thank you all

Good day Positive Carry!

I hope I'm not too late in expressing my appreciation for all your hard work and your endless personal hours that you put into this. Having put in a limited amount of time myself in this, I can appreciate your frustration with the lack of support received from the majority of minority shareholders.

I hope you will continue to read these blogs and respond when ever your desire to do so gets the best of you. Personally I don't believe it's over until our CMM shares are delisted, and that may take some time yet.


about 13 years ago
Re: White Tiger Gold Shareholders Approve Business Combination With Century Mining

Those unlimited number of shares will be the currency for the reverse takeover of Intergeo by WTG, maybe at something like 100 or 200 WTG shares to 1 Intergeo share, once complete, WTG will change name to Intergeo, very likely later this year, and their you have it.

Finky was recently quoted as saying that he beleived that Intergeo was worth between 2 billion - 5 billion dollars, quite a strech wouldn't you say, a little while later he changed his mind and said may between 500 million - 1 billion dollars.

Because he and Prokhorov own 100% of Intergeo, the man picks numbers out of thin air and then inflates the value of Intergeo for the reverse take over, in order to dilute the shares of WTG into oblivion, just like he fluffed the WTG share price, in order to dilute CMM, so he could get over 50% control.

That was the plan all along, didn't you read between the lines when Finky stated that he wanted to bring Intergeo to the TSX, possibly later this year. Reverse takeovers are their specialty, they now know what to do without signaling any regulators, it works.

Did you people really think that Finky was going to share any of his hard won "RIP OFFs" of CMM and then WTG with the likes of us, get real? Was Hitler really going to share power with Mussolini after winning World War Two?


about 13 years ago
Re: Drawing A Line In The Sand - Money Needed To Fight Another Predatory Takeover

Thank you George! you rule, this should be a call-to-arms for all shareholders, once these guys are finished with CMM's takeover, they'll undoutedly move on to other larger preys in this industry until they legitimise themselves at everyones expense.

These people are not unlike child predators, they go after the weak and diffensless.

Thank You Again.


about 13 years ago
News Release from Stockigloo

StockIgloo.com, on Behalf of a Group of Century Mining Minority Shareholders

July 25, 2011 10:01 ET

StockIgloo, Representing a Group of Century Mining Minority Shareholders, Believes White Tiger Gold Has Failed to Satisfy Requirements of the MI 61-101

VANCOUVER, BRITISH COLUMBIA–(Marketwire – July 25, 2011) -
On March 14, 2011 White Tiger Gold("White Tiger") and Century Mining Corporation("Century") announced that they are forming a Business Combination under a Plan of Arrangement. Under such an arrangement, the MI 61-101 –Protection of Minority Security Holders in Special Transactions,requires that White Tiger is to perform an independent formal valuation. In the SEDAR filed document dated March 11, 2011, White Tiger disclosed in section 5.1(i) that they are exempt from formal valuations under MI 61-101 section 6.3(2). Of the various conditions that must be met in order to qualify for an exemption, section 6.3(2)(c)(i) states an independent formal valuation of non-cash consideration is not required if "a liquid market in the class of securities exists". We feel that White Tiger's securities do not exist in a liquid market as defined by the MI 61-101 and, as such, ask the Ontario Securities Commission ("OSC") to deny approval of the Plan of Arrangement as currently presented, due to a lack of the required independent formal valuation.

MI 61-101 Liquid Market

Section 1.2(1)(a)

Section 1.2(1)(a) of the MI 61-101 has a five part test for defining a liquid market. White Tiger need only fail one part to fail the test. They, in fact, fail two parts. Part (i)(A) of the test states "during the period of 12 months before the date the transaction is agreed to … the number of outstanding securities of the class was at all times at least 5,000,000, excluding securities beneficially owned, or over which control or direction was exercised, by related parties and securities that were not freely tradeable …"


White Tiger had 114.630,210 shares outstanding. Of those shares 1,800,000 and 24,830,210 were held in private placements with four month hold periods and 85,000,000 were controlled by Max Finskiy (See SEDAR documents filed November 16, 2010 and December 31, 2010, respectively). This leaves the number of freely tradeable White Tiger shares at only 3,000,000. White Tiger fails the test not only by a wide margin but for every single day of its existence up to the day the Plan of Arrangement is agreed upon.

Section 1.2(1)(a) Continued

Part (ii) of the five part test states "the market value of the class of securities on the published market on which the class was principally traded, as determined in accordance with subsection (2), was at least $75,000,000 for the calendar month preceding the calendar month… in which the transaction is agreed to…"


Using the market value formula described in the aforementioned subsection (2), the average White Tiger daily closing share price for February multiplied by the freely trading outstanding number of White Tiger shares, excluding Max Finskiy's, results in a market value of $4.34 x 3,000,000 = $13,020,000. This value is only 17% of the market value required by the test.

Section 1.2(1)(b)

If the test for a liquid market is not met, paragraph (b) states a liquid market exists if "… a person that is qualified and independent of all interested parties to the transaction, … provides an opinion to the issuer that there is a liquid market in the class at the date the transaction is agreed to … the opinion is included in the disclosure document for the transaction and the disclosure document for the transaction includes the same disclosure regarding the person providing the opinion as is required for a valuator under section 6.2."


White Tiger has not disclosed nor indicated that they will disclose the identity of any such person or an opinion in the previously mentioned March 11, 2011 disclosure document filed on SEDAR. Given White Tiger's extreme lack of liquidity, as defined by the MI 61-101, it is hard to imagine that any such independent opinion of liquidity is possible.

We believe we have demonstrated that White Tiger is not exempt from providing an independent formal valuation as required under the MI 61-101. Having failed to provide the required independent formal valuation, it is hoped that the OSC denies the required approval of the proposed Plan of Arrangement as currently presented. We are grateful for the OSC's continued protection of minority shareholders and look forward to the OSC continuing to protect Century minority shareholders under the MI 61-101.

Contact Information


about 13 years ago
Re: I know you don't want to believe it.....

I see your not denying who you've been accused of being, Ms. Longo. You've been outed.


over 13 years ago
Re: I know you don't want to believe it.....

I presume you Must be Ms. Longo, this IS your job right Ms. Longo, to sell this combination, to convince everyone that if we don't buy into it, we are in for a world of financial hurt, you get paid for coming here on these boards and creating angst and doubt about the viability of this company without there benevolent co-joining of his company with ours.

If I understand you correctly, you've been repeatedly going on and on, to the point of being nauseating, telling us that without your boss and without WTG we are royally F*cked, your telling us that those baboons at CMM, who are presently trying to pass themselves off as professional management, can't make any money from a mine that has an average proven gold reserve in the ground of 4.5g/t, with gold at over $1,500.00/oz, and that the same group of conniving, hypocritical, lying, self dealing, pack of slithering snakes will then go on and produce over 250,000 oz. per year from the same mine but only once your combination goes through right? REALLY? Do you really believe that Maxine & Frances are that intelligent, and the rest of us are only here for their benefit.

You know what Ms. Longo, why don't you take your traderous ass out of here, and bend it over in front of his highnesses maxine or Frances or whom ever you prefer, and get a royal.....

We've heard it all much too often from you already, as the British say it so cleverly, PISS OFF YOU OLD SOD.

Saying it all with such gratification!


over 13 years ago
Richmond Hilll
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