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Myrtle's Posts

Insider Trading - Buying

From another blog:

Viraf and Charles are buying. Looks like they bought in the private placement. Maximizing their interest with warrants. Smart and interesting.

As of 11:59pm ET March 10th, 2012



Insider Name



Nature of transaction

# or value acquired or disposed of


Mar 10/12

Mar 5/12

Sparks, Dale

Direct Ownership

Common Shares

10 - Disposition in the public market



Mar 9/12

Mar 7/12

Kapadia, Viraf Savak

Direct Ownership


16 - Acquisition under a prospectus exemption



Mar 9/12

Jun 9/03

Kapadia, Viraf Savak

Direct Ownership


00 - Opening Balance-Initial SEDI Report

Mar 9/12

Mar 7/12

Kapadia, Viraf Savak

Direct Ownership

Common Shares

16 - Acquisition under a prospectus exemption



Mar 9/12

Mar 7/12

Wyburn, Charles Louis

Direct Ownership


16 - Acquisition under a prospectus exemption



Mar 9/12

Mar 7/12

Wyburn, Charles Louis

Direct Ownership

Common Shares

16 - Acquisition under a prospectus exemption



over 12 years ago
Insider Trading

I noticed that Mr. Roger Peacock registered as an insider on March 1, 2012. It shows he has 1.031 million shares.

Could be a good sign.

over 12 years ago

This is encouraging. I believe the next 6 months will see great progress for Star.

From the MDA just released today

Star’s Management looks to achieve the following for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2012 and ahead to June 30, 2013:

? Continue to execute the commercialization of the Airborne Data Service withParadigm and develop new business opportunities in the field of aircraft criticaldata collection, analysis and transmission. The plan is to have the pilot phase of this service up and running by the beginning of the 4th Quarter 2012 (April 2012)

? Prepare and implement an integration plan for the development/implementation of our STAR-ISMS® software onto CMC’s PilotView® and TacView® EFB type 2’s.Present a business case for the senior management of CMC, Star Navigation Systems Group Ltd. and the joint Star/Paradigm SMC by the beginning of Q4 2012.

Deliver 12 units of the STAR-ISMS® of the 15 units recently accepted from the Company’s supplier, Luxell Technologies. Three of these boxes will be delivered to Paradigm to satisfy the Purchase Order received in December. A further 3 boxes have been used as engineering units for future testing and proof of the DO 160 E testing. The remaining 9 boxes are now available for the Pilot project customers starting in April 2012.


? Continue to work closely with PIA in order to secure a purchase order by building upon the results of the real-time demonstration aboard a PIA A-310 and maintain a persistent approach to negotiations with PIA management. The objective is to sign them on as a pilot project partner within the agreement with Paradigm.

Continue to develop sales initiatives in the Europe, the Middle East and North America. The ADS marketing and sales strategy is an integral part of our relationship with Paradigm and the full integration of our previous efforts and their resources will enhance our credibility and increase the level of service we are able to offer our potential customers.

Manage additional funding opportunities and aggressively monitor operating and administrative expenses. The emphasis has moved to improved internal accountability and proper resourcing of the R&D function to avoid missing critical milestones and to delivering project deliverables on time and within budget. Utilize the addition of Mr. Carroll to bring an emphasis on Policy Deployment and the alignment of Strategic goals with every individual within the Company.

Continue to support the bid to become part of the COMAC 919 project in China. As stated previously, the Company has been informed that COMAC is still going through the selection process and that they have not yet decided/confirmed the econd level/supplemental systems. Potential suppliers (including Star) have no ontrol over the process at this stage.

Continue research and development efforts, with respect to both increased unctionality of the STAR-ISMS®, and for additional applications. Star continues to be committed to the longevity and improvement of the STAR-ISMS® product / service and will continue to focus significant effort in Research and Development. To that end has employed 3 new Software Engineers and is investigating the addition of a Purchasing Specialist and a Systems Engineer by the end of Q3.

Continue to work towards improved reliability, extended warranty periods and new capabilities, which are critical to STAR’s long term success.

Continue to closely monitor and defend our Intellectual Property and to take a leading position in the market through innovation and fast response to the changing requirements of our customer base. The lessons learned from the development phase of our G2 system will be used on our next project to develop a G3 system.

Expansion of the revenue stream from existing STAR-ISMS® Lite, STAR-ISMS® Ultra Lite and Terrestrial Monitoring products through effective sales, installation and world-wide marketing. As a result of our relationship with a Canadian mapping company we are able to offer exceptionally high reliability for our service along with geo fencing, weather mapping and accurate billing features. For more information see the Company’s website at The Company’s focus continues to be exclusively on the commercialization and refinement of its product and on the furthering of the sales and marketing of our flagship product – the STAR-ISMS® system.

over 12 years ago
Re: Star Navigation Announces Completion of Private Placement/ INSIDER BUYING

This is very positive news. When someone puts in $175k of their own money they must be confident.

over 12 years ago
Luxell News Release

Luxell Completes DO 160 Testing Of New Airborne Server.

TORONTO Jan 30, 2012

Luxell Technologies Inc. is pleased to report that it has completed

the DO 160 testing of the new on-board server designed and developed for Star Navigation

Systems Group Ltd.(“Star”).

At this date, fifteen servers have already been delivered. The server is the hardware

platform for STAR`s newest generation of the STAR-ISMS® In-flight Safety Monitoring


`”The successful completion of the DO 160 tests was a critical final step in our system

development for Star and is a demonstration of our expanding capabilities. Luxell offers

displays and complex on-board electronic systems to its customers for both military and

commercial applications. Star will use the specially developed equipment to provide the

aerospace community with unsurpassed on-board real-time capabilities. We are proud to have

been associated to Star and its partners for this major development.

As the system nears

entry into its commercial deployment, we are building up our production and support

capabilities.” declared Jean-Louis LARMOR, Luxell Technologies’ CEO. `

About Star Navigation Systems Group Ltd.

Star Navigation Systems Group Ltd owns the exclusive World Wide license to its proprietary

patented In-Flight Safety Monitoring System, STAR-ISMS®, the first system in the world

to feature in-flight data analysis monitoring and diagnostics with a real-time connection

between aircraft and ground. Its real-time capability of tracking performance enhances

aviation safety and helps improve fleet management.

About Luxell

Luxell designs, manufactures and licenses flat panel display technologies and solutions for

defense and avionics industries. More information can be found at (C) Luxell

Technologies Inc.,Luxell and Black Layer are trademarks of Luxell Technologies Inc. All other

company and/or product names are trademarks and/or registered trademarks of their

respective manufacturers.

over 12 years ago
Re: Star Navigation Announces Completion of DO-160E Testing

I have to disagree with you Widget. This did not win a toss. This had to come first. They had to pass the DO-160E test to get the STC. One would expect the STC announcement to be coming shortly as the installation is expected in February.

This is all following the path that was laid out at the AGM on December 15th. As long as they continue to successfully execute that plan this will be the year we have been waiting patiently for.

over 12 years ago
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