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Muffles's Posts

Re: What's Next?

I'm afraid you're right tibber. Not much hope for the warrants now. Got a fair chunk of 'em too. Man!...Has it been almost two years already?

Boy, time sure flies when you're having fun.

Ya know, that's kinda scary. Imagine how fast it would be flying if I was actually having fun with this play! HA!!

I crack me up. One must maintain one's sense of humor. Or, as my Granny (the good Granny, not the Granny from Hades), used to say, "It's a great life if you don't weaken".

Hmmm....Feeling a little weak these days. Oh well, time for some Holiday cheer! No, wait, it's only 9:30 in the AM here and I'm totally against drinking and driving....but sometimes the kids just have to get to school!

Ok, for all you goody two shoes in the crowd, that was a joke! don't send me any letters!

While I'm at it, Happy Holidays to one and all!!

Regards, Muffles

almost 14 years ago

Hope springs eternal! Or, as my grandad used to say, "Hope springs infernal!" Mind you, he always said it with a grin.

Either way, I still have hope (insert grin here) for my warrants....and the stock I have left.

Let's hope (By Jeez, there it is again) that the Malin plant is the high fibre snack this story needs in order to get things moving again. The blockage has been excruciatingly painful and protracted. There's been nothing but a lot of stinky hot air from this constipated play for years now.

We'll get good news SOON....I hope. (insert another grin here)

Like Bubba, I may start buying more again myself. Lordy Lordy....

Regards, Muffles

almost 14 years ago
nonsense and deflection

There are a few posters on this board that try to monopolize the forum and deflect us from the true pupose of this group discussion.

Some here, are simply bashers who pretend to be shareholders. For the most part, they are not too overt, but sometimes they just can't help themselves and they become very obvious and transparent.

Some resident nay sayers are shareholders, or former shareholders who are very very upset and frustrated with the lack of progress and the opacity of management. They have a legitimate beef and for this reason must be given the ability to 'vent their spleens', as it were, from time to time.

In my opinion, there are really only 2 or 3 actual bashers on this hub. Most of us know who they are and can only speculate what identity they use on stockhouse. Due to the nature of this board, they are not able to cause much disruption, nor can they get away with much in the way of personal attacks. It must be pretty frustrating for them and I laugh when I see their sporatic efforts.

Plexmar has been a disaster for some and a mere annoyance for others. We invested in this stock because we believe there is huge potential for reward. So far, we have all been disappointed. Many now think that the Malin plant is the key to unlocking the door to the agreement with the locals that will finally allow this project to go; DRILLING.

I don't know if this is true or not. I'm not past caring, far from it. I'm just past speculating about it. One thing is certain, however. The share price is up noticably on the recent good news and we should all be happy about least, those of us who want the project to succeed.

As for the others, who gives a rodents tokas?!!

Regards, Muffles

almost 14 years ago

Ditto what Crow said.

Regards, Muffles

almost 14 years ago
Re: Back

I started to write something facetious. Then I started to write something funny. Then I just sat here and tried to be positive about the possibilities.

So far, none of these trains of thought seem worth pursuing.

All I can say is, all will be forgiven if something....ANYTHING...happens to make the share price go up substantially before my warrants expire in Feb next year.

The only thing that will definitely, positively, absolutely happen...without that I will have at least one large very dry gin Martini after dinner this evening. That...and only that, is all I'm willing to bet on right now.

Mind you, I would enjoy my Martinis a lot more if there was some good news to go along with it.


Regards, Muffles

almost 14 years ago
Re: Guy got it right

Metaldog....I'll believe that if you will. ;)


almost 14 years ago
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