Mu51kfr34k89's Profile

Mu51kfr34k89's Posts

Re: Gold 'going down like an elevator'

Or you can sell now and save yourself from the regret of not having sold at today's price if it does hit zero in the future; something which you seem so sure of.

about 11 years ago
Re: Mu51kfr34k89, Frank & Company!

Please note that in the following post "you" refers to the shareholders that share window's point of view, and in by no ways am I trying to target anyone or create a spirit of hostility. I just hope to clarify and learn a few things and hopefully others will as well.

I'll keep it simple:

1) I don't work for the company.

2) Bad news travels faster than good.

3) Dwelling on the negative will result in more people losing hope and selling their shares.

4) People will not buy into the company due to the pessimistic attitude of their current shareholders (and why would they?); thus the shares that people hoped to sell won't move.

5) When their shares do not sell they will have to lower their asking price.

6 This will drive the price lower.

7) You will continue to be unhappy.

8) You will continue to whine.

9) See step 3. Repeat.

Thus, as you can see, what you are creating is a vicious downward spiral that will only negatively affect the price of the stock by generating a spirit of panic. And all of this is based on no results.

I'm sorry, but I fail to see the good in your so called "whining". Please enlighten us on how this will improve our situation.

If you believe that something should be done, it may be perhaps better to send a mass letter directly to the President, attaching shareholders that share your point of view. Once again do not bombard him as this will inhibit further progress. Even better, let him know what could be done to improve the situation.

Let's be proactive and help improve the situation, rather than contributing to the panic that drove our share's price so low.

Have a great day everyone! =)

about 11 years ago

While it is true that there hasn't been much information from management with regards to the future of the company, it does not help by venting your frusutrations on the form. If you are unhappy with management, then feel free to sell your shares and invest in a company who's management has your confidence. Defacing the company's name and president can only bring the share price lower and cause further disruption in management's proceedings.

You are forgetting the progress they have made in recent months: finally liberating themselves from ET's accusations and having elected a new, competent director, Larry Hoover. Before denouncing this progress, albeit small, let's put our support and optimism behind these favourable changes; there is still great potential for rewards.

And if there is no support or optimism left for you, then there is always the door, but please don't further deface this company and hurt the shareholders who still have hope.

Thanks and kind regards.

about 11 years ago
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