MtlSportsFan's Profile

MtlSportsFan's Posts

Re: 42

Ya, that was me. I'm an idiot. Wanted to buy some more 2 days ago but was too busy, cost me $$ to get in today but hopefully long term a few cents won't matter !!

over 7 years ago
Next generation EUV chips disappointing

Key Notes;

  • In 2012, Intel, Samsung, and TSMC took the unprecedented step of investing about $1.6 billion in ASML to speed its research and paid close to $5 billion for 23 percent of the company.

  • “The industry made their bet several years ago that EUV would be the next generation,” he says. “It’s been very disappointing.”

  • For now, the most obvious way to get smaller lines is to use current lithography techniques a greater number of times on each chip. The big chipmakers have been loath to do that because it takes longer, always top of mind in a $10 billion factory that will be obsolete within five years.

over 8 years ago
Re: 2 hours in and no volume

Just did a tally of all my shares and realized I was at 98,200 shares, WAAYYYY more than I should have but ....just turned 50 and really want to retire before 55, so I just added the last 1,800 to make an even 100,000 shares !

Merry Christmas / Happy Holidays to everyone on this board. May you all stay healthy and enjoy what will hopefully be abundant riches in the new year !!

over 8 years ago
Re: Ajit's Lunch Menu

Ajit is the reason I have stuck around and increased my position. To finally hear him speak and be so enthusiastic makes me giddy. As he stated himself, he was ready for retirement, but this is too game changing to sit on the sidelines.

Wonderful video !!!

over 9 years ago
Re: AMD departures

I read these boards every day but never post....however I just picked up another 6100 shares and the anxiety is killing me so much that I had to share.

Hope for all (and especially for me) that any new appointments have the same weight as Ajit. It is his involvement that keeps me from freaking out when the share price does it bouncy thing !

over 9 years ago
Re: Changed my Avatar again ....eom

Rome wasn't built in a day ???

over 10 years ago
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