Mr_Vegas1's Profile

Mr_Vegas1's Posts

Re: bumps?

I totally agree with you. I have been here for a bit and have " rode the rollercoaster "for a while. Everyone that has come in this stock on my word I warned them that we could see some scary numbers before it was done, but don't quit or get discouraged. If this play is as big as we have calculated it to be, we would be a little naïve to think the " the big greed" won't come after it. Hang on tight , this is all noise and I would love to see the shorters even shorter.Those of you that bought higher have an opportunity to bring your dollar cost average down if we see this again.Take care all and stay strong. Nothing good comes easy! MV1

over 12 years ago
Spruce Grove B&B

I know it's along way off yet, but I will be doing a B&B in Spruce Grove AB sometime after the Drayton Valley event. I have talked with Murry and he is willing to do one in here. If you are interested for the first time or just want a face to face update, watch the board for further details. MV1

over 12 years ago
Re: So now we know

I would assume the same way that we all can access all the other exchanges. When I created my acount , I took the extra time to fill all the other questionairs to aloww access to those exchanges. After that all you need to do is do the dollar exchange and knock yourself out!!!! that is my understanding. MV1

almost 13 years ago
Re: From China

He didn't say anything regarding the blackout . From what I understood those trade shows he was at were for share selling. You have to remember how many people are in China and with an economy that is growing , there is alot of new millionaires . The lager trade shows are in the next few days. My belief is that if the right person.gets told, they could go to the top of thier system to someone that is qualified to purchase our land and make deals in parts or whole? If he calls back, I will ask what kind of shows these are. My guess is they are general investment shows for all kinds of companies that have achieved certain size of value already. Hope this helps. MV1

almost 13 years ago
From China

I thought I would let everyone here know (if they already haven't heard) about the trip to China. I talked with Murry for a while this afternoon. It was around noon here at home , and 2 am Sunday morning there. Murry told me that he now knows the true meaning of "jet lag" . They have been warmly recieved by everyone they have met. The people of China are friendly , and very positive about business and where we need to be globaly. Murry sounded very excited when we talked about the trade shows and the people they have connected with. On Sunday , they are traveling to Beijing for more trade shows. The response has been overwhelmingly positive . The people are amazing and not afraid to ask questions. They have an interpreter with them, but many already speak English. Not many barriers for language these days, so makes things alot easier. I will let everyone know how the next conversation goes if I talk to him before he gets back. mv1

almost 13 years ago
Re: Price per OZ

I would like to add one more point of view here as well , is that " globally " speaking , we have never been in a pinch as we are seeing right now to justify our attempt to "back" our money as we see now. Some of these past time lines IMO will be greatly sped up leaving us greatly unpredictable as to when someone will solidify this purchase. I have also heard that many large firms have been flush with money for a long time just waiting for something to put there money into. This leaves me no option but to hang on tight and wait for the big payout as the desperation to back paper begins. This only my belief , and I guess time will tell. :). Good night all !! Desperation equals shorter time lines???

almost 13 years ago
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