Moguely's Profile

Moguely's Posts

Shaft Creek on Google Earth

Just want to let you all know there is relatively new google earth image of the shaft creek camp and project. The area has much better resolution than previously. Lots of new roads around the project area, even one leading up what i am geussing is mess creek. I enjoyed looking around and thought i would share with you guys. See if you can find it!!

about 9 years ago
Re: National

Maybe David is saving us from plunging lower, and trying to retain some value of his massive amount of shares. I hope to god it is him still supporting. Good luck every one, Moguely.

over 10 years ago
Re: New target price?

Nice to see you back Webs, seasons greeting to you and your family from Prince George!

almost 11 years ago
Re: New Presentation with Drill Information

12 holes? I sure hope we get some cores to tye us over. I noticed we have 3 office locations, and what only two employees. How do we unlock all the doors in the morning? Just kidding. If no ones there hopefully all the lights are off. Save some more money. Cheers folks, my fingers are crossed for some good news!

almost 11 years ago
A Thought

Just thinking out loud. If a buyout is coming from Teck or another, and this is known or planned, would it not be in share holders best interest to divide up the money that WE have earned so far for Shaft Creek. If we get bought out, any cash would be transfered to the purchaser, would it not. Even with the new company, the money was earned by CUU for our work to date at Shaft Creek and should go to share holders in this case, (like they did) with money left to pay the bills in Arizona until we can sell our 25%. Does this make any sense to you guys?

about 11 years ago
Our 25 %

I find it hard to believe that Teck would let our 25% be sold to another party when they have to finance that 25% of the Capex. They would be much better to buy us if and offer comes in, cancelling our JV deal with the financing claus. Then sell 25% to the interested party for the same price/ slightly less, and have them finance their 25%, thus reducing their obligation-debt by 25%.

about 11 years ago
Central British Columbia
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