Mining11's Profile

Mining11's Posts

To Tender or Not

This whole tender thing just doesn't feel right to me. It goes against what I think we are worth but it is a gamble to hold and everyone has to do there own thing. The valuation from KWG which was pulled showed we were worth more. Believe it will only increase from what it was. Novak said on his interview as much that he could have got more. That one still burns my lower region. I believe in Karma so if he benefited at our expense I hope it bites him big time. KWG just stated it they do not think it is a fair offer. It's funny that we are asked to tender without seeing the evaluation for SPQ. I emailed SPQ on that one and the response was they would release it in a timely manner. LOL can you believe it a timely manner.

Felt a bit like gambling when I bought this and right or wrong think I will let my over 6 numbers of shares ride.

Not saying it's the right thing to do but hoping it's not the wrong thing. Not attached to the stock but think it has become a thing of principle.

about 14 years ago

There will be games so do not be surprised or alarmed in what the news brings. Stronger offer, pulled the offer, who knows. Just remember the mineral in the ground has not changed or the desire for Cliffs to own it. The old girl is just starting to get her throat cleared. The songs a long ways from over. If it was worth .19 cents once it will be worth that and more down the road. My opinion only.

about 14 years ago
Spider Resources Home Web Page

It may be of interest that Spider now has a newer updated web site which is worth the time to review and go over. Personally think it is improved and more focused than the old site.

My own opinion: Given what we saw and learned with FWR shareholders where I made good money but felt very much shorted in the process with Cliff's, as shareholders of SPQ we need to be very aware of the true value in the ground and what we are willing to let it go for.

Think long and hard before selling shares as Cliffs is not going anywhere. I am hoping for a David and Goliath story as would hate to see the steal of the century take place. Don't count the juniors out of this one just yet.


over 14 years ago
Re: My thoughts on final take-out range

Well Lad, by the way not sure Lad is the right term for a lady. Guess the assumption could be incorrect.

Since you asked I feel that you are very good at delivering underlying messages which implies value around $0.14. Maybe you didn't mean that it is what the share is worth, it's just it what your specific group of assumptions are telling.

Same stink different pile.

over 14 years ago
Re: My thoughts on final take-out range

Question Hoov/Lar. If you beleive the value is $0.14 sp why are you still posting on this board when one could have sold for those values in the last day or so? I remember the FWR days when you showed up with your many posts at the end also. No need to respond, think I know the answer. You are very good at what you do.

over 14 years ago

Just came back from CIM Canadian Institute of Mining in Vancouver. Ontario gov had a booth there with ROF all over it. Was happy to see it. Talked to the guys at the booth and they are very up to speed with this play as in the deposit and what it will mean for the province, country and continent. This thing is world class just going to take some time. Even though the price is down with SPQ, in the end I believe we will all be rewarded. Yeah there will be bumps along the way.

over 14 years ago
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