Minebean's Profile

Minebean's Posts

Re: News out!!!

Conveniently located in NYC and Miami!

almost 13 years ago
Re: Notes from the Shareholder's meeting

This what scares me...

"Burn Rate: The burn rate for the Mill is approximately $4000/day, $120,000/month and Corporate is $1000/day, $30,000/month or total of $5000/day, $150,000/month."

about 13 years ago
Re: Back to 4 cents I presume.....

Ok I will half agree with you.

Why the need to step down when he will essentially be doing the same thing as with the title?

"Since he is an older guy, he can't run around on the mountain and do the physical stuff (hence, hiring Kyle) but he can easily do virtually everything connected with his job as head geo guy from anywhere."

The above is what he has been doing ALL along. Nothing has changed.

And back to the most important thing... The shareprice cetertainly reflects a "Great Meeting"

about 13 years ago

Why won't you talk about the negative. Ihub is a little rediculous, but everyone here is exceptionly positive. NO difference from Ihub if you look at it from another angle.

Oh and Garick, What's with the hate? There was a lot of anger in that post...Get yourself checked out and respond like a grown-up.

about 13 years ago
Re: turn this thing around

Won't happen until the shows producers sell all the shares they were issued from the show. Which is what they are doing now. Thats why their stocks go down first and then a little pump after the show is released.

about 13 years ago
Re: The Show airs!

Look at the stocks that the show has reported on before. Almost all of them go down at first and then end up right where they started. I hope they don't air the same leaked show...that would be a BIG mistake.

about 13 years ago
New York, NY
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