Miao's Profile

Miao's Posts

Re: Portee / Miao

Hey there is not much to spy on here, as I am sure the PDG people read this blog, if they don't then they are really stupid.

Now should I run into Billy Bumlicker I would be the first to give him the water boarding to see what he knows, but I have heard from the USA guys that the info you get might not be reliable.


about 12 years ago
Re: Same old, same old

Have been a long time KXL/PDG shareholder, I have read the posts here for many years and I guess I am finally frustrated and had to say something.

I just got my voting package and would like some input on which Directors are dead weight that I should not vote for and please don't say all of them. I will not vote for Brian Maher as a Director.


about 12 years ago
Same old, same old

Looks like we are back to normal, wish PDG would tell us what the plan is for the next 3 to 4 months and why a pre feasibility rather than a full study?

We are fortunate that Gold is up in the last couple of weeks or where the heck would we be.


about 12 years ago
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