Melfunction's Profile

Melfunction's Posts

Re: look at this 2 yr chart!!

Before i bought my shares, this forum came up in a search. I thought things were slightly negative then. I wonder how much this is affecting the current price? I bought anyway, at 9 1/2 c thinking with the assets underground, and the price to book value in the .30 area, it would weather a market adjustment nicely. As an amature, i look for a safe bet. I haven't changed my mind yet. My humble opinion is, we're at the bottom, the hydromet process seems solid, although I'm not sure how efficient a 1600C steam cycle would be, I'm used to working with a 2000C superheated cycle in a coal fired plant. Duchane may not be the sharpest tool in the shed, but I think theres some solid value here.

P.S. (Legal Disclaimer)

I am not, or have I ever been Paul Kodakos

over 14 years ago
Re: What Does This Company Need To Do?

Very few small cap exploration companies ever see production. I bought starfield shares based on the massive reserves in Nunavit, and the hydromet system they are, or were, working on. Since then, I see more drilling at stillwater and moonlight and shares being dilluted to acomplish this. I would feel a lot more optimistic if they were to focus thier efforts up north a bit. You can guess by my spelling, I am no expert, but I plan to buy more shares as the potential is still there. I also do not want to spend my summer at the computer and I'm think were at the bottom. Maybe it's just me, but it's like the're trying to knock the price down to scare off the little guys such as I (eg. sitting on overdue drill results). I write this post as more of a question than a statement. If some of you experts want to point out were I'm wrong, that would be great.

over 14 years ago
Re: Starfield Resources Commissions SGS Lakefield To Advance Hydromet Development

Jack pot! thanx lanny. theres enough there to keep me chewing for quite a while.

over 14 years ago
Re: Starfield Resources Commissions SGS Lakefield To Advance Hydromet Development

Maybe, but when I bought my shares, I was under the impression this pilot plant was being built this summer, not being designed this fall. Not overly encouraged by this. While I'm writing,, does anyone know where I might find a little more deatailed description of this process? I understand they cant give away the farm, but anything would be nice. I'm a power engineer with some mining background, and I love this stuff.

over 14 years ago
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