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Drilling 4 Pilot Holes?

Is it possible/probable to drill 4 pilot holes with PP funds since May-June and not continue to burn up cash monthly with no $1million PP drilling funds available yet?

As money is raised, we will go forward incrementally with the diamond core drilling plan. We
anticipate that we should hit significant mineralization within the first few holes, 
which will
encourage us to drill more and deeper holes. The $1 million budget for Phase 1a drilling calls for
the drilling of 10,000 feet of HQ (2.5 inch) core holes.
For information about the Phase 1 drilling program at Hay Mountain visit our website:

We are beginning discussions with large established mining companies about the potential of
some type of joint venture and are also in contact with monied funders. While we are
optimistic, these discussions are early stage and we do not know whether any will come to
fruition. But post‐election with Donald Trump‐ a business man in charge, there is a definite
change in the attitude toward appealing exploration projects like the Hay Mountain. I will
elaborate in my next presentation.

over 7 years ago
Drilling 4 Holes?

Let's hope Jim can make the below happen sooner than later! and bring in a a early 2017 gift for All! 

or Just maybe throw down 4 holes and not continue to burn up cash monthly with no drilling insight?

As money is raised, we will go forward incrementally with the diamond core drilling plan. We
anticipate that we should hit significant mineralization within the first few holes, 
which will
encourage us to drill more and deeper holes. The $1 million budget for Phase 1a drilling calls for
the drilling of 10,000 feet of HQ (2.5 inch) core holes.
For information about the Phase 1 drilling program at Hay Mountain visit our website:

We are beginning discussions with large established mining companies about the potential of
some type of joint venture and are also in contact with monied funders. While we are
optimistic, these discussions are early stage and we do not know whether any will come to
fruition. But post‐election with Donald Trump‐ a business man in charge, there is a definite
change in the attitude toward appealing exploration projects like the Hay Mountain. I will
elaborate in my next presentation.

over 7 years ago
Re: NAK Northern Dynasty Up again @ $2.14

Let's try the link again

over 7 years ago
Re: NAK Northern Dynasty Up again @ $2.14

Yes NAK Management is smart.....being smart they must realize that Pebble is a long way off!

Hay Mountain on the other hand for mere $1million for initial drilling can discern the reality of the invisioned humugus find.

Hay Mountain could very well beat Pebble into production by several years with fast-production, non-EPA Issues and infrastructure easily developed compared to Pebble.

"What investors really need to understand here is that Northern Dynasty is a long way from commercial production. In fact, it's still in the process of determining if it's even economically feasible to mine the Pebble Project, which makes up the bulk of its $400 million-plus valuation. As noted in the company's third-quarter earnings report, "The Group's continuing operations and the underlying value and recoverability of the amounts shown for the Group's mineral property interests, is entirely dependent upon the existence of economically recoverable mineral reserves." In other words, there's no guarantee Northern Dynasty Minerals even has an economically viable mine, yet it sports an inflated valuation."

over 7 years ago
NAK Northern Dynasty Up again @ $2.14

Since the Election NAK has almost tripled....our old Alaskan Partner. You would think that they would be interested in Hay Mountain?......chump change for them.

With Briscoe showing them the ZTEM way of finding the pay dirt and if Briscoe is correct about the humgonus Hay Mountain size, they could be having the opportunity to hold two of the largest North American Copper properties.

over 7 years ago
Re: Why hold LBSR (about to be posted on the other board)

"Moreover, I'm feeling the longer we go now without drilling, the less likely it becomes we will see it at all."

I am in the same mindset.....

almost 8 years ago
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