Maryolsen25's Profile

Maryolsen25's Posts

Agree, No more Crickets on this board!

I was banned long ago and have been following ever since. Looked at the new board. Prefer this one and hope all will come back. Thank you.

about 11 years ago
Re: Quick update! and we will never see $1.50 again!

Afrezzauser, thanks for the update - not worried about the stock price - interested in the long term potential. Good to see you back.

about 12 years ago
Re: "Created Controversy", "Armchair Quaterbacks", & "Devils Advocates"

Oh My...FewYearsTime's post...was exactly what I was thinking. JERG's post was sincere and heartfelt. As reading this board on the sidelines - OPC was "Over the Top" with his response back to him. Opinions are one thing but to bait him with disclosing names etc was not right. OPC in an earlier post stated he missed two other opportunities with investments by selling too soon and the stock(s) came back. Hopefully by selling out of MNKD as he stated, he does not miss the boat again. OPC, please lighten up and please stop being a Message Board Bully. You have a lot of knowlege but sometimes it's too self serving - your valuable with your insight but have a real mean streak. IMHO (only) "Jerg" I am on your side!

about 12 years ago
Type 2 Trials

Hello, first post and have been reading this forum for months now. Great insight, a bit heated in the last 24 hrs., but will keep out of that. This afternoon there was a TV commercial for Diabetes Trials in the Cleveland, Ohio area. Company Sponsoring is: Rapid Medical Research and they are recruiting for the following:

Study 1 - Type 2 Diabetes (insulin Dependent)

Study 2 - Type 2 Diabetes (Taking Metformin)

Study 3 - Type 2 Diabetes & Cardiovascular Disease

Not sure but hoping these trails are sponsored by MannKind, Corp. Plan on attending the approval party someday!

about 12 years ago
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