Mallet's Profile

Mallet's Posts

Re: 250k just crossed bu Canaccord

I was hoping that it would be the first of many crosses. It often is the trigger to an upside break (look at lim as the most recent example).

over 10 years ago
Re: 250k just crossed bu Canaccord

More of that please been waiting for the big crosses for a year now.

over 10 years ago
Re: Santa

Anonymous on the buy is almost alway a good sign.

over 10 years ago
Mr market

He/she said no to the first push let's see if we try to poke through a second time. Should not be any tax loss pressure as we traded in this range for much of the year.

over 10 years ago
Re: Level 2

Thank you. That short position is not nearly big enough to significantly move this stock. Today's trading does show however how primed ptk is to move. Would not take much of a push to get this to move significantly higher.

I'm still here though not as heavily invested as I once was. I hope those that have had the patience to hold get rewarded in 2014.


over 10 years ago
Re: Level 2

What was the last short position?

over 10 years ago
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