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Magic8ballman's Posts

Re: Secured by Debt

Back in the beginning, I initially invested with Liberty based on some of the information Bubbabob posted in a chart, amidst other information. I am not sure if you are still on this forum, but I would be interested in your take on Liberty at this point bubbabob.

I realize that a lot has happened and there are many unfortunate events that have occurred leading up to where liberty is at. Personally, I am still entertaining the thought of getting some of my money back and am hoping we can at least see the share price hit somewhere in the mid 20s to 30.

At this point I have pretty much lost all hope in that occurring...but would appreciate anyone's take on whether or not Liberty has a chance of doing this?

Any useful commentary would be appreciated.

about 13 years ago
Re: Secured by Debt

Can anyone out there hazard a guess as to what current shareholders would be paid out in terms of share price, should a takeover occur?

I realize that it gets complicated depending on what happens between now and when the debt is due. But any foresight would be appreciated.


about 13 years ago
Re: Liberty to take Downtime for Maintenance

I am beginning to realize the same thing. I have just been sitting here waiting patiently for Q4 results to come out (which they have 90 days to report), all the time thinking we should see some movement especially with nickel prices being so good. Nope, Instead nickel goes up Liberty goes down. Fantastic. I am somewhat hopeful for Q4 results, but my "hope" can only go so far.

Seriously, you expect to get some good news and instead find out they are we are operating at "limited capacity". Just the news I have been waiting for. I guess maybe I have been too optimistic all along. Now, my hopes of Q1 putting out some good numbers with nickel being even higher now are "limited". Awesome.

How is everyone else out there looking at Liberty's Future as of late?

At this point I wish I would have put money in the other stocks I have been watching since purchasing this stock. All of which are doing extremely well.

over 13 years ago
Re: Update

Speaking about keeping investors updated, are the Quarter Four earning's supposed to be out today?

over 13 years ago
Re: Sure is Quiet

In response to my own question...for Northboy.

I did some due diligence and inquired directly to Liberty about the Mill being down. It was down for a time. However, it is back up and running. From my knowledge and new insight, it is not uncommon for a mill to be down at some point in the course of operations whether that is planned for maintenance or is unplanned. It happens, is dealt with and then fixed.

I never did ask about the mine manager. Things like this happen all the time, I would assume the reasoning for this dismissal was warranted.

So, in reference to the tailings pond, if the mill is up and running...they are NOT shut down. Yes, they are doing some work on it. That work is to improve its functionality and to allow the equipment traveling in that area to have a better footing while operating in that area.


over 13 years ago
Re: Sure is Quiet

Hi Northboy,

Did the mill just go down...or has it been down for a while now? Seems like you'd be a good guy to ask!



over 13 years ago
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