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Re: What s your take on : Baja Mining raises going concern doubt, shares fall

I hear you!

From what I gather around, 20% in cost overheads is almost standard in today's markets, so what's going on??

This whole affair should raise some eyebrows on the political scene as much as strategic or financial.

I don t understand how this can go south this fast. There are thousands of jobs at stake. I am sure; a dozen of small businesses emerged to support the mine construction, who knows how many indirect jobs are on the line...

Someone with political leverage must be monitoring what s going on, I can t believe it s all out of control for some Croesus rich bankers (MK) to take over on the cheap and there is no one to defend the company.



over 12 years ago
Re: What s your take on : Baja Mining raises going concern doubt, shares fall

I am also inclined to see it through, my only concern is a low ball offer that runs under my average...

I bought some two weeks ago in the .36, can t say I feel confident doing it again in the .26.

Anyone knows of a similar play running short in an advanced stage of construction ?


over 12 years ago
What s your take on : Baja Mining raises going concern doubt, shares fall

I sure could use some positive comments right now....

Any experienced player's opinion on what to expect from now on? Cheap buyout? Privatization? More games to lower the prize?

Can such a "great" project really go bad so quickly?


over 12 years ago
Re: What happened ????????

Any idea why the resignations? Now we know what the 4M shares sold on friday where for .....!@#@%


over 12 years ago
about Chinese and their "mining businesses model", sounds familiar?

From Jun 7, 2010, by Former Australian Senator"Chit chat from a BBQ last night.

Talking about the Chinese :" They[Chinese] refuse to believe that they
have a right to receive a mining lease subject only to complying with
relevant environmental permitting conditions. They think you have no
credibility unless you tell them they need to bribe someone!!!

From some other source :
- of a foreign company that had paid for prospecting rights near Dalian
and when they finally found gold the government told them that they
couldn't dig it up for environmental reasons. Now of course the Chinese
are getting ready to dig it up.
Another group (who I know the GM of as well) who had gone through 7
years of prep, building local infrastructure, getting screwed by local
forms and extorted by the local security orgs was finally ready to begin
extraction when the Chinese gave them some BS reason and kicked them out
of the project.
The Chinese are now of course removing that gold from
the ground themselves. "

over 12 years ago
INSIGHT - VENEZUELA - Update on Chavez's health, power struggle,

For those that wonder what is that they just read; those are some e-mails by Stratfor, a "private" intelligence gathering company, leaked by wikileaks.

I often hear opinions about Chavez, like he is a clown playing politics through dictatorship, without merit or higher motivations. In my opinion he knows very well how the game is played and Las Cristinas is just one of many pawns he yields in a global political struggle.

There's the public domain and there's the reality.

Good reads, cheers.

P.S. Another good one: search for "the jackal"

December 5, 2011

"Chavez's health - the tumor started as a growth close to the prostate, it spread to the colon, which is what led to a lot of confusion in the OS about the treatment of prostate v. colon cancer in hormonal v. chemotherapy. A reliable source on the medical has explained that the cancer has spread to the lymph nodes and into the bone marrow up to the spine, ie. very serious"

over 12 years ago
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