LouisTerlizzi's Profile

Former stockbroker (1980's Dean Witter). Completely different career these days. Feel free to hit me up on facebook.

LouisTerlizzi's Posts

Re: Looks Like it Was Not a Paint

What else could we expect the first day on the OTC but strange behavior.....an up day on slightly higher than average volume, I mean hooda thought? Rational consensus view may have been continued slow erosion.....suspicious as always. I say we pop tomorrow!

over 13 years ago
Re: My Take

I second that, wow there are some bright people around here (I'm not one of them).

over 13 years ago
Re: Time to liquidate

I'll drink to that.

over 13 years ago
Re: You never know what can happen.....

Examples like this is why little me (small potato) sits here absolutely refusing to sell : )

over 13 years ago
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