LoriCanada's Profile

LoriCanada's Posts

Re: Macmillan Listing August 2010

they replied by email.....rudely

Finally they did answer some of my questions which had to do with things that would be of no interest here...I apologize for troubling all of you..I thought perhaps someone would be able to help me...

No matter how frustrated I was and I do apologize for my impatience..it is still no excuse for rudeness from a company your invested in. I won't bother anyone her again. Sorry.

about 14 years ago
Re: Macmillan Listing August 2010

I meant I am listed with TDWaterhouse....

This is the rude answer I got from the macmillanminerals@ca.inter.net email I sent.

I am not savy on trading and merely needed some information and this was their response???

I wonder if they ever heard of customer service and being polite?

"You call and leave a phone message today at 10:23 am

You email today at 10:31 am

Today at 10:39 am you post on Agoracom that MacMillan Minerals Inc. can not
be reached.

A little bit of an over reaction don't you think?"

about 14 years ago
Re: Macmillan Listing August 2010

If I am listed with T/SX how will I get info if they trade on CSNX?

about 14 years ago
contacting MMM???

I have tried with no success to find information on how to contact MMG regarding my stagnant shares and to update my address and find out what the heck is going on. It is very frustrating. The phone number listed on SEDAR is an answering service. Does any one know how to contact a REAL person at MMG as I am totally confused by it all and need some questions answered.

about 14 years ago
Re: What's that scene where.....?

yeah well it's all beginning to worry me,...I have less than 2 years till retirement and no other cat in the bag

almost 16 years ago
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