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Mivatek 7/11/16 pr

I went back and read this pr. Fred calls this an "arrangement "

almost 8 years ago
Re: I recall a bit more:

Thanks for the report. I would have gone again today but read you were going. How did you like the new courthouse? I worked on that building for about two years. To the right of entry are all the names of construction workers on project. I was suprised to see that.

It sounds like this hearing went much like the last. The share price went north after last hearing. Let's hope.

signed, long long long long time shareholder

over 9 years ago
Courtroom 15A Friday report

I attended the hearing on Friday in courtroom 15A. I assumed other shareholders would be there and reporting. There were only two of us there and I have seen no report. I have never posted on this site and never intended to. However, I figured what little I provide might be appreciated. I owe it to all of you for the work done here, which I benefit from reading.

I sat on the left behind Handel and one other attorney. Behind me was one shareholder, Fred and another man with Fred. In row in front of me and to my left was a man in a suit taking notes.

On the left side of courtroom were two attorneys for defense. One of the men was an in house attorney for a defendant. Behind them in the public seating were either 4 or 5 suits.

The defendants went first and had two items they wanted to discuss. One item was FAT. Their presentation was sad, at best. The attorney was extremely nervous and fumbled around a lot. I hung my head in pain, trying to follow him. There was back and forth with the judge and she didn't appear to agree with anything presented. I'm not sure what their second item was.

Handel had one item to discuss. It had to do with wording on system storage and file management. He had a PowerPoint presentation which was clear and easy to understand. He had back and forth with judge and she seemed to agree with him.

The judge, in my opinion, is one sharp lady and has a grasp of the issues. She asked the defendants some questions that left them speechless. Mr. Handel had a much better rapport with the judge.

After the hearing I introduced myself to Fred, who I have met before over the years. I also introduced myself to Mr. Handel. I listened to the conversation after the meeting, of the edigital group. My opinion is they believe they will get their claim construction wording.

I'm wondering which person or persons left the hearing and started buying shares? Anyway, if I had intended to write a report I would have taken better notes. I was really only there to get a feel for the proceedings and had no intention of posting anything. My feeling is things look good for edigital, as far as this hearing goes.

I should mention the judge offered to move the trial date up to April from June date. The defendants were not interested in moving it up and explained they don't actually make any of their products, that others do. He then mumbled something about licensing and that was it.

I have been a shareholder since Norris days and have lurked on various boards over the years.

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.

almost 10 years ago
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