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Re: This financing definitley needs a major clarification


For the record, I've been in since 2012, I've added a lot to my position lately and I'm still holding. I'm also way underwater

I understand your anger and I'm either naive to believe that there is a reason for this financing or as I've already put it, we've been screwed.

I'm not trying to spin this around.

Only time will tell...

almost 8 years ago
This financing definitley needs a major clarification


Until this financing is closed, this bloobath will continue and unhapiness will continue to be spread among this board.

At some already pointed out and I'm sorry to say that, but right now, we all have to wait and see if the management cares or not about its long and faithful investors.

A post-financing letter to shareholders or an annoucement that a strategic investor has taken a large chunk of the financing would be a good start.

I just can't understand this financing, why?, what for?, how could you agree?

The terms, WOW !!! they are simply unbelivable, a major discount of the last closing price and a 5 YEARS warrants, + 7% commission for the first 10M$ raised, +300K fixed expenses + 4% commission for what's above the 10 M$ threshold..........

I've never seen such financing terms before, especially for a company that is supposed to have a first mover advantage and be in a position to ride the wave of integrated photonics.

You all know that a private placement within the actual investor base could have been done and we would have agreed to different terms just to keep the company afloat. Why did they choose to go another way?

Just for the shares sold as part of the PO, the agents will make 1.1 M$ and from the warrants exercise they are also entitled to receive another 1M$.

If warrants come to exercise, (I don't know if they can be forced to be exercised assuming the average trading price comes to be higher during 30 days) POET will have raised 28,499,040$, paid 2.1M$ to the agents and given 23.66% of the shares oustanding.

I'll definitely give management time to explain. If no explanations is granted, well they just sent us the signal that at the date of this financing, they valued the company at 100-120M$.

There was for sure other possible venues to finance their on-going expenditures, I will trust in them and wait for a reason as to why they choosed to go with this non-sens financing, for now.

I'm shaken and I'll repeat it, there has to be a reasoning to that financing

My best wet dream would be... that there are some third parties that are part of the Poet Development Alliance that have actually taken some serious equity interest through this disguting/disguised PO.

almost 8 years ago
An online magazine on PIC

Just sharing a link,

If you feel that reading may help your actual mood


almost 8 years ago

Baba, you made an interesting comment.

I also wonder about the unit pricing.

Have it been previously negociated with the lead agent priour the announcement? or will it take into account the recent price drop from the 80's to 60.

The filling of the base-shelf prosectus did trigger a news release requirement but that news could have been like so many others (for shelf prospectus) and simply states that a finaning could happen within the 25 months.

It wasn't typical beacause the investor presentation stated a timeframe to close a financing.

Hopeffully it is a strategic investor getting in but it doesn't sound like it...

For now, we have to wait for the pricing supplement to be issued and find out how much capital will be raised and at what price.

I didn't expect a share-based financing prior to prototype(s) completion, why not hold the financing and have it in Q1-2017?

I can't say/understand why they released the news in that manner.

almost 8 years ago
The platform question...

I'm sorry, this is not an easy read, well it could be for the techies...

However, after reading it, it made me feel comfortable about what is continuously being said on this forum and by POET. This is why I'm sharing it.

Abstract below:

6. Device integration

While the development of single quantum photonic devices is very intense across many material platforms, the efficient integration of these devices on the same chip is required to unlock the power of integrated quantum photonics.

Therefore, we propose a qualitative comparison of different elementary platforms based on the degree of integration reported in literature. Table 1 shows examples of integrated chips where we have attempted to capture at the same time a spectrum of different devices and the highest degree of integration achieved to date.

Each platform is represented by a different color and each line in the table corresponds to the devices demonstrated within a single paper. The filled cells mark the availability of the corresponding device and the darker shaded cells indicate the devices that are particularly suitable for quantum applications.

Such comparison is necessarily subjective and does not include all the platforms mentioned in this review.

Si and LiNbO3 display a particularly high degree of integration, given their long history of development as photonic materials. Based on these platforms, on-chip systems consisting of four or more different categories of devices have been demonstrated.

We remark, however, that no system up to date demonstrates on-chip integration of all components.

Moreover, amongst the elementary platforms, perhaps, only the III-V materials currently offer the entire range of required on-chip devices ranging from a pump laser to single-photon detectors. They therefore appear the most likely to achieve full integration within the next few years.

Please, feel free to read more at: https://arxiv.org/ftp/arxiv/papers/1610/1610.00729.pdf

almost 8 years ago
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