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Lone Star's Posts

Re: News- Schaft Creek potential

Yes there are positives in this information. It's just sad to see the investors of this company get pounded regardless of how any times we here share price doesn't matter.
It seems something was cooking way back when we hit $2.70 but was quashed for negotiations reasons?
A few questions remain what did Stiefel do with there shares sell under anonymous?
Why would Vette waste so much energy to pump this to the moon at the highs when the budget doesn't allow for paid pumpers?
Needless to say a love hate relationship is what I have developed for this stock and a bizarre education in the TSX ways.
I'm sure there is serious wreckage from the investors that jumped in at the highs of this stock.
I'm stubborn and plan and ridding this out till the end and will back the trailer up when I'm convinced were done with being pounded that's the million dollar question?
Just my 2 cents as we drift along uncharted waters the Gilligan's cruise continues!!

over 10 years ago
Re: Nice Bounce!

How long to see CF being around for?
I do believe there's a a lot happening or has been per determined behind closed doors?


over 10 years ago
Re: Spoke with Elmer

This is getting very painful.
We tried playing poker with Teck and lost miserable.
The resounding sense I walked away from the AGM was the management team is in the dark with Teck's master plan knowing when a offer may come is a total crap shoot. They hold all the cards and it will be there decision.
Obviously a lot of longs have sold and moved on which is getting more apparent to be the wise move.
I'm in so deep I have no choice but to hold and feel for all of us that are in that position.
Teck even has the management team tied up with not being allowed to reinvest there dividends for fear a buy out comes and that could muddy the waters.
We paying dearly for our FS.
Talk about walking into a bear trap.


almost 11 years ago
Re: Drill program: Opinions

I'm hoping for door #1 complete buyout and Teck gets our drill program draft. Teck can start construction and drill at the same time saving them time and money in the long run and avoiding the chance of a bidding war down the road.Short term pain (buying us out) for long term gain.
They will look like a mining guru when all is said and done.

over 11 years ago
Re: hmm - deeppocket

Your making me feel ill with those thoughts.
I don't think DM and EE invested in SC to end up with sand lots in AZ.
Hoping for what we all deserve a positive and profitable out come.


over 11 years ago
Re: Lundin shopping for ‘right opportunity’ to buy copper assets

Great post DC. We should be first in line with a for sale sign! A bidding war seems in the cards for this gem of property. I sure hope the good Dr. Realizes what he has under his nose.

over 11 years ago
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