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Anon continues selling.

There doesn't seem to be an end to the selling by Anon. Let's hope the news is good.

almost 11 years ago
Re: Nervous investors

BCGreen.... I am a bit perplexed, it is now November 11 (Remembrance Day) and the price is pressed down against its all time low. No one seems to have any interest in buying stock, the biggest holder Farshad is either the smartest person in the world or just a geologist and not a penny stock flipper like the vast majority of Public Market company owners... Now someone is saying that there is information from the site (which I thought was never going to happen because of TSX insider trading potential legal issues) and whether this is a lie or not, someone is saying that drill is at the first drill location and not moving. They are hoping that Farshad has hit the big one and has decided to continue to drill (I wonder if he really told this to anyone knowing that Farshad is a man of integrity and would not violate the TSX rules of engagement). Here are my thought, fact or fiction, true or not, rumours or faith, they are running into trouble drilling the first site such as stuck bit, broken bit, broken drill rig, and the list goes on and on and subsequently, there is no money left to move the rig. Since they did so badly on the first 5 holes, then srambled and got lucky on Hole #6, then did an IP and have this amazing charge in the ground, WHY aren't there more people speculating. Waiting to see the results may put the nail in the coffin. Good luck to everyone. Time is running, money is running out, and winter is coming. Let's hope they hit otherwise this will never be financed again.

almost 11 years ago
Re: How is the drilling going?

Kenmoor, great response, your frustration and comments speaks of someone starting to get worried. Hopefully nothing to worry about, you should relax, this is just a game of playing penny stocks, everyone will sell soon and move on.

almost 11 years ago
Re: How is the drilling going?

One thing is for cerain, with communications technologies today, there is NO such thing as a lock-down site. Thus, why isn't anyone talking about the visuals in core #1...? Is it because they missed again and are drilling number 2 and 3 to hopefully save this company. This is it my friends, if they don't hit, they will never be able to raise another cent....!!!

almost 11 years ago
How is the drilling going?

Anyone hearing how the drill is going, i.e. depth (have they really started), type of core (visuals), time to completion, etc.... it is important that we keep our eye on the drill, it never lies.

almost 11 years ago
Re: News Drilling Starts

I agree with everyone about grades and intercept lengths, they have to be great to excellent if the stock price is going to move significantly. Farshad has raised enough money to drill and I believe this is his last shot to make this work, otherwise, DBV will be like all the rest, hype, hope, and need for consolidation to be able to raise more money. Bottom line, there will not be another raise down here with the current share structure. We need a MONSTER core, timed with Farshad making presentations to brokerages, high net worth individuals, and and Investor Relations group that can expand exposure and get some market share. Good luck. There is only a few weeks to perhaps a month to get the price moving.

almost 11 years ago
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