Liddy77's Profile

Liddy77's Posts

Re: ‘Fessin’ up… twice

CG, so sorry to hear about Possum. Hope you are doing ok.

over 8 years ago
Re: Meeting Information

Whatever Elmer was involved with in the past, prior to Copper Fox, cannot really compare/reflect his success of profitable sales. This question was asked of Elmer in 2013 and his reply follows.

-- "Elmer, you have put five mines into production. In comparison to those mines, how do you view Schaft Creek, in terms of scope and potential profitability? Is this the pinnacle of your geology career to date, or has the macro environment dampened your expectations?

What has that got to do with Copper Fox? There’s no comparison at all. Those are small open pit or underground mines. Schaft Creek is a large open mine."--

over 8 years ago
Re: I'm out! Wish you all the best going forward

FYI. This is Liddy77. I'm not dead yet. Still kicking. Lol. I'm doing well.

over 8 years ago
Re: Canada-Chine Foreign Investment Promotion and Protection Agreement

No, I' haven't bought in again. But when I get articles that might be of interest to the board I still post.

about 10 years ago
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