Leadfootin's Profile

Consultant to and former owner of sand, gravel pits and quarries. Retired board member of Ontario Stone Sand and Gravel Association. Antique car collector and restorer. Licensed Realtor in Ontario

Leadfootin's Posts

Re: Aggregate Act and ROF connection in legislature

More red tape means more civil servants to administer the additional regulations - have to keep the unemployment numbers down! I spent 35 years in the sand, gravel and quarry business including some huge projects and highest level aggregate association positions.

I got a chance to and sold out to a big guy, warned my friends and watched a number of them get forced out or bankrupted by a combination of overregulation and anti-competitive actions (sometimes one and the same).

There a a few Ontario and regional contractors, one in particular a friend who could put the road in at an astonishing pace, probably getting all the gravel down in one season - either route! Bridges could be done by the end of year two. All that is needed is for the job to be let on an end result and performance basis then get out of the way.

almost 8 years ago
Re: Wynne Surfaces

Remember, with Wynne we all lose!

over 8 years ago
Re: Sudbury column: Province doesn't 'get it' - TIME TO FIRE GRAVELLE!!!!!

"But are they tight with the natives and environmentalists? You need a go signal from them or nothing happens."

They did a rather large endeavor out west and partnered with the natives over the local / regional contractors. This company has long experience working with others and getting the job done. They still fly under the radar of most people outside the road building and aggregate mining industries.

Most of all they are tight with the Province and the Provinces preferred engineering firm!

over 8 years ago
Re: Sudbury column: Province doesn't 'get it' - TIME TO FIRE GRAVELLE!!!!!

As I have stated a few times, the "wrong people" are in control of the Ring. Too much experience in dealing with the Province while in the Natural Resources industry taught me that long ago. The "Right" people have the road blocks removed from their paths and put in the path of the others.

Wynne makes Creitien look like an amateur when it comes to corruption! However Trudeau and company look to repeat the Cretien legacy. PET was controlled by a small group of liberal business elites a couple of whom I knew and heard the stories from - I was just a dumb kid, a fly on the wall but with good memory and reasoning skills. The people in the know also know that they can't say much if they want to continue to enjoy life.

A certain road builder I know personally could get a gravel road built easily this year, pave it next without breaking a sweat or disrupting the companies other operations. They are tight with the Provincial Liberals who are well aware of their capabilities. We just need the right person to give the go signal!

over 8 years ago
Re: Compare the timeline

In Ontario, it's not about the project but who owns and or benefits from it. "Wrong Owners" no support. I have seen it many times in many industries with both Federal and Provincial Liberal Governments.

When the right people get cut into the revenue stream, it will go forward in a very big hurry.

almost 9 years ago
Re: well

Shook everyone up - mission accomplished!

almost 9 years ago
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