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Laudrup's Posts

The 100% well 16-7


I can see that the thread is without any activity anymore but I think we should start it again.

Is there any one who has anu idea about why QEC is not finshed yet with 16-7 test. It seems like they might have problems with the well otherwise they had updated the market already, right? This could be very crucial for the feature of QEC that they make it right this time.

My best

about 10 years ago
Re: What's going on?

Strange that we are waiting for the result from 15-1 and the stock has been in down trend for some days except today. I wounder what is the reson behind people are seling at this level. Is it because of the fear of correction in market as whole or some people dosen't belive in what QEC leadership is doing at this time...or what else. I am just keep on buying and hope that some day it will pop up again to a acceptable level.

over 11 years ago
Re: What's going on?

Some says it was a short stunt.

over 11 years ago
Re: What's going on?

Unfortunately there was a big volume in Norway. Lets hope we very soon get some good and positiv news from the company.

over 11 years ago
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