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So the last few days have been very exciting and each day i get a little more anxious for a news release knowing that we are in a management blackout. Today I'm out and about and i get a little ding on my iphone alerting me that i have a new e-mail, i read this e-mail and almost instantly i go from my usually chipper self to somewhat angry( somewhat an understatement). The very first that pops into my head is "What the Hell is This". Their's NO WAY that THIS WARRANTED A BLACKOUT! Then it happened, just like in the movies, a little light bulb appeared right there above my head! All my questions that were racing through my head were answered. This news release could not have warranted a blackout, theres not even any new info included! I actually find it kind of humorous to read the NR and notice it doesn't even include the usual "Lori McClenahan, President of St. Elias Mines Ltd. (the “Company”), is pleased to announce that the Company ". I believe this simple little word that i highlighted was omitted for a reason! Needless to say I've calmed down and have read all the posts and I'm back to my usual chipper self again. All the reactions on this hub i believe are just some good people blowing off some steam and maybe we loose a few investors, all we can do is look out for ourselves and close friends and do any DD needed to steer each and every person in the direction that they feel that they need to go in at this time! I myself will continue to be long and strong with the odd weak moment, but I'm not going anywhere!

Looking forward to great times ahead,


almost 13 years ago
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