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Larix's Posts

Interesting Quote

Just reading Malcolm Gladwell's book What the Dog Saw...

From the 2006 trial of Jeffrey Skilling, former president of Enron Corporation, sentenced to 24 years in prison:

“This is a simple case, ladies and gentlemen,” the lead prosecutor for the Department of Justice said in his closing arguments to the jury:

"Because it’s so simple, I’m probably going to end before my allotted time. It’s black-and-white. Truth and lies. The shareholders, ladies and gentlemen… buy a share of stock, and for that they’re not entitled to much but they’re entitled to the truth. They’re entitled for the officers and employees of the company to put their interests ahead of their own. They’re entitled to be told what the financial condition of the company is. They are entitled to honesty, ladies and gentlemen."

over 11 years ago
Good Response at Questrade

Called the Questrate toll free number (1.888.783.7866) yesterday afternoon and requested my green proxy numbers. The agent said they've been swamped on these requests...

Got a return phone call and an Email early this morning with both the white numbers (which were different from the numbers on the white paper copy, as others have experienced) and my green numbers.

Voted both my accounts this a.m. no problem. Two more for the good (GREEN) guys!!

almost 12 years ago
Excellent Release

Now THAT was a well done news release! And very good news all around, IMO.

over 12 years ago
Re: Lack of respect

Agree with most of the comments about the conference call. I thought Lori came across as condescending and very unprofessional. Public speaking is definitely not her strong suit... which is not a crime - as long as you're at least respectful. In any case, I'm in this because of the resource and I'm in it for the long haul...


over 12 years ago
Offer Scenario

I appreciate the great information and positive exchanges on this hub. Can anyone describe or point to a link that describes the sequence of events in a typical small cap acquisition / offer? (ie: NR, trade halt, offer, would all share holders get a vote? etc...) Thanks!

almost 13 years ago
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