Ktmracing122's Profile

Ktmracing122's Posts

Re: All these delays have a cost

Vote for Mr.Wonderful!!!! (Kevin O'Leary.)

over 7 years ago
Re: Matawa hopeful over 'essential' broadband decision - 3 birds, one stone

Is it too late for them to make any announcements before winter break?

seems to be a lot of stock movement lately on Noront.

over 7 years ago
Re: FSDI results by end of year....

I believe they will have nothing to report until the road announcement. What else is left to report? They're at a stand still now.

it sounds like some people are following emotion on what they are thinking is happening, rather than facts.

almost 8 years ago
Re: Noront's Short Position

Thank you very much Luker! 

That made way more sense than googling it.




almost 8 years ago
Re: Noront's Short Position

Hey Fossil,


im sorry, but I'm very new to the investing game and trying to understand what this means? 


Thank you.

almost 8 years ago
Re: $342B in Resource Sector Investment will Spur Canadian Job Growth



I wonder if this will help get their butts in gear for the road to ROF??

almost 8 years ago
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