KrAzY_likeA_Fox's Profile

KrAzY_likeA_Fox's Posts

Re: lets close at .16

Thanks. I check in now and then. I got tired of the circular converstions. This place need s an iggy button.

over 9 years ago
Re: lets close at .16

Its a pretty simple. Read it again. Nough said

over 9 years ago
Re: lets close at .16

Why would EE want to extend the warrents when the price is so much lower now? Well if he is in blackout (not saying he but if) and couldnt purchase shares now he still has his $1 warrents. When the blackout is lifted the pps could be significantly higher and the $1 warrents are in the money and then some.


over 9 years ago
Re: Drill Plan

"If Teck were taking all the BC claims then why did Copper Fox recently purchase claims? It doesn't make sense unless Teck is only taking SC."

CUU may have purchased the claims as to not tip Tecks hand and the forth coming agreement between the two. IMHO I still think CUU wants to get the hell out of SC and not look back.

over 11 years ago
Drill Plan

Does this not mean there will be no drill plan?

From the last news release

"Known risk factors include: discussions with Teck may not lead to Teck exercising any of its earn back options; the Company and Teck may not enter into a definitive joint venture agreement; and Copper Fox may not proceed or continue with activity on the Schaft Creek project as currently planned."


over 11 years ago

"I think we all relied on an understanding of the Salazar agreement in our DD to buy shares"

That and the fact that CUU trots out the agreement with Teck every so often. If they are not going to abide by these agreements they should not have reffered to them and we should be notified of such.

This is not world ending, top secret stuff we are talking about here, nobody is going to steal the copper out of the ground if the information of what is going on is shared.

over 11 years ago
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