Knapper1's Profile

Knapper1's Posts

Re: Internet Proxy Voting

no every1's # is different

almost 16 years ago
Re: A show of hands please - bravekind

Posted by: knowwhat1 on September 11, 2008 12:26AM

I think back to something my boss told me back when NOT made the last run up to 7 bucks.

I had told him about the NOT story and the good fortune I had with the stock price going from 1.18 up to 7+++. Keep in mind, this guy has seen it all and has the insight and money to back everything up when he speaks. He said to me:

"Knowwhat1(insert real name); just remember one thing, pigs get fat, but hogs get slaughtered".

Looking back, my boss was right to some extent. I guess I was a hog. I am still here sniffing around for any food and I'm loosing weight daily along with the other NOT longs. I am going for more NOT shares Thursday at some point, but not sure when.

Just one concern and I would like others to give me some input. One of mt TA tools is showing $1.00 as our next strong hold. Does anyone else have that coming up. I almost fell off my chair.


found this

almost 16 years ago
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