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Klaus's Posts

Re: Know how you feel Klaus

Really sorry to hear that, Wolfster. I'm sure it's tough on you - as it was on me when Miss Maxie died.

I hope you have lots of pictures and / or videos - it helped me to watch videos of young Maxie. But I still miss her.... as I'm sure you will miss yours.

over 7 years ago
Re: Klaus where the dog pic

Hi Chris - good to hear from you.

Sadly, Miss Maxie passed in March - we were best friends for over 16 years - I miss her dearly.

almost 8 years ago
Copper Mountain

They changed the ticker symbol from BadWordCUM to CMMC. Gotta love it!

Nice run lately - Looks like a short term top so I'm selling half tomorrow.


almost 8 years ago
Market gets interesting

US small caps are making new all-time highs, which means the market expects Trump to follow through on protectionist policies (which should help small companies at the expense of large companies). Despite the negative consequences of protectionism, outperformace by the small caps is positive for the overall market.

Monthly MACD on SPX is on the verge of a buy signal - the sell signal came more than a year and a half ago. If Nov closes higher than it is now, the buy signal will come - which probably means another leg up in the bull market that started in 2009.

Too early to tell, but gold stocks appear to be in capitulation mode and may bottom today (have to wait for the close to be sure).

almost 8 years ago
Re: Trump is back as a market issue

Quite a few - steel, biotechs, financials, healthcare, defense, and even airlines. Some of these are obvious Trump sectors, and they are a bit overbought - I would wait for pullbacks before jumping in.

Right now I'm just playing with volatility ETF options, and waiting for what I hope will be another leg up in the Venture stocks.

almost 8 years ago
Re: Trump is back as a market issue

Market reaction was amazing too - from limit down (-5%) overnight to closing up 1% on the day. Did not see that coming!!

almost 8 years ago
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