Kizzy's Profile

Kizzy's Posts

Re: Unfortunately


Thank you for saying that, hard to believe they can get back in here after going to the SH septic hole and deriding and making fun of the posters here and nobody says anything. I only have one suggestion to add to your post, don't IGNORE them, TURF them.


almost 8 years ago
Public Offering

Are there any rules regarding disclosure or non disclosure after a public offering has been purchased? Are the purchasers allowed to remain anonymous as they did during the shorting of the 5.5 million shares.

Does POET have the option of exposing the purchasers of the offering or is that the purchasers right to remain anonymous?

Is it worth pursing IR for answers or is this another form of NDA?  I checked the internet but couldn't find any answers.





almost 8 years ago
Re: BCD and CAinPLaP banning

Hey Mack,

Let me start by saying I have been a loyal shareholder for over 2 years and have been watching this board for the great tech knowledge and any other info I could pick up. I am not a techie and thus needed info from here to help make investment decisions, that is why I kept to myself and let me add that your posts were helpful as well. I do not want to turn this into a pee pee match, hope that is clean enough for you, but as you will find I am not easily intimidated.

I will apologize for the political remark and agree this is not the place for that rhetoric. My problem is watching this board trying to deal with the ( Septic Hole Infiltrator Types ) I will keep trying to control myself and not use the acronym for those people. I lean towards " capital punishment "  ( geesh, sorry again ) for those perpetrators and thus I back BCD and his way of handling it. I meant no disrespect to Derek, I sometimes dig the knife in a little to deep.

I too am a little on edge as I have 100,000 shares and I don't own any under $ 1.00 and after seeing what our new " platinum Investor's " did to us with their short play, I couldn't stay silent any longer.

So, please don't tell me where I should post or what tone I should use, I have paid dearly for this privilege to say my piece.

With all due respect and a sense of humour  eh



almost 8 years ago
Re: BCD and CAinPLaP banning

Great job BCD, you don't need to explain doing the right thing, he is already over at SH ( Septic Hole ) spewing crap. Sorry for the pun.

Derek, if you don't like hanging around people with a backbone, move to Ontario and vote for the spineless creatures we call the Wynne government.

Viva cajones


almost 8 years ago
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