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How True Is The Following Of A Stock Falling To Zero ?

Stocks that ultimately fall to zero generally follow a fairly predictable path. Usually, s stock will begin trading down in value as the underlying company experiences financial difficulty and may be on the verge of bankruptcy. If and when bankruptcy is declared, the company's stock will leave the major exchanges and trade between speculators. Ultimately, the stock will be rendered worthless and will become merely a souvenir. Even in this event, the stock can still usually be sold for tax loss purposes.

over 10 years ago
UC Under-valued Big Time !

I find it tormenting that both Silver & Gold have been going up steadily but stock shares in many companies currently in production whether it’s commercial production or just starting out, are just sitting at bay, not gaining any proper momentum in a nice share price hike upwards.

UC is greatly undervalues IMHO, and the same can be said for Century Mining Corp. CMM, where we got a bunch of crooks running the show trying to sell us out for peanuts. It should be trading at the very least $1.20 or more, but we are stuck at the
.37 range all due to price manipulation and a garbage BOD.

UC is a completely different story, the CEO and its board seem like they are working hard for us minority shareholders. Good luck on the longs, hopefully the long wait will greatly pay off this summer if and when they reach commercial production...

By the way UC is trading at approx:
.085 per share where as WTG is trading at approx: $2.15 per share. The problem is UC is a much better structured company with both Gold & Silver in the ground currently in production. UC also has cash which they raised. White Tiger is a complete fabricated BS company. UC should be trading much higher than this pile of junk WTG.

over 13 years ago
Hoov's Comments On October 4,2010 !

posted on Oct 04, 10 09:05AM

I'm looking at a projected cost/revenue summary from last summer. Total costs, all in, are projected at $42/tonne, and that's right through to dore bars. Costs might well be higher (I don't know the "cushion factor" built into the budget), because of the diesel generator and inflation and all that, but the Canadian dollar exchange rate has improved since then, also.

The yields are not as high as you used, tmw, because this is not raw ore being processed. The tailings have been chemically changed by the earlier process work, and that adverse chemistry may also be enhanced by weathering that has occurred over the last century. There's an oxide layer on each tailings particle that inhibits exposure to the cyanide leach solution. The reason for the addition of the larger ball mill is to hopefully mechanically remove enough of the oxide layer to enhance recoveries/yield.

A number of bench-scale laboratory tests were run at a big mining consulting lab in the U.S., each with different process chemistry (different cyanide concentrations, solution pH, additives, etc.), and the worst case of all of the reported yields was used for the financial projections for the project. As the worst case was believed to be profitable, the project went ahead. Those worst case recoveries were 58% of the gold, and 35% of the silver. There is every reason to believe that those recoveries can be substantially improved upon, and that is where the art of running a mill comes into play. Jim's mill manager has 35 years experience running Merrill-Crowe mills. The fine-tuning process never ends.

Using these worst case recoveries, at 220 tonnes/day throughput, the ballpark yield would be 7 oz/day gold, and 500 oz/day silver. Inflating the cost/tonne processed to $50/tonne, you get costs at $11,000/day. Using $1200 gold and $20 silver, revenues would be $18,400. That's over $2million/year profit, with very conservative assumptions, IMHO.


over 13 years ago
Where Is The Hoov ?

Anyone know the whereabouts of this brilliant young mind ?

over 13 years ago

No one attacking anyones character here .....and yes , you are sucking up big-time to Hoov ......stop it , its embarrassing !

almost 14 years ago

Hoov ,

Ive been watching forever and I notice that you never appear when the bad news comes out ...........

almost 14 years ago
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