KerryLafreniere's Profile

kcopper9 on Stockhouse.....super cuu long...Yeah

KerryLafreniere's Posts

Re: potential in next years

I belive that CUU now has the unusual distinction of being swallowed by Teck et al. and then morphing into Cu2.0 which will still have a massive amount of property to be explored. The property has outstanding potential , and all of the positives of CUU will apply to Cu2.0. Infastructure, ample capital and %100.00 ownership will be game breakers going forward. We will also have a reputation for being table setters. The downside might need to be a reduction in the number of stock outstanding...fair trade perhaps for value.(ps) been around for 5 years in this play. From storey stock to massive proven pounds in the ground, Incredible Hulk. Rebuttal invited.

about 12 years ago
Re: The Irish are coming! 111

Chappy, I strongly disagree with you contention that this isssue is either off topic and/or is not relevent to CUU. Where do you think that the work fore is going to materialize from to develop this district. Labour shortages ( clearly in effect at present) and %100 + oils are simply going to exacerbate this situation. Teck has rigerous timelines as part of their backin agreement. The oil sands have been importing skilled labour from Europe for years. To say that is not a significant issue going forward is faulty logic. Is it a deal breaker...NO, however it may well influence timelimes hence negotiations. Off topic....not so much....jmho

over 12 years ago
Re: The Irish are coming! 111

Meta, We are currently experiencing a significant shortage of skilled workers/tradespeople in the super heated economy in Saskatchewan. If we look to Alberta and the oil patch as well as the oil sands we are looking a skilled labour defecit in the range of tens or hundreds of thousands who are all earning 6 figures or more. To develop the Golden triangle there a be a need for thouands or tens of thousands of skilled labour/tradespeople. To recruit skilled labour from abroad simply makes sense from an economic as well as a social benefits perspective. The tinge of racial overtone in this stream is offensive and should be slapped down...moderators anyone. The scale of the triangle/district will be defining for the next several gernerations of western canadians (new and old)..................................Kerry/kcopper9

over 12 years ago
Re: shareholder value

In my humble opinion CUU mgt has Teck in an uncomfortable position which is very rare for a junior. Teck must be mindfull of a hostile takeover while the language of the CUU jv is absolutely not to their benefit. I suspect that the agreement has been veted by numerous lawyers on behalf of both parties, and as Vette states gives CUU's 25% absolutely %100 control over both Shaft Creek and the other properties. The size of the deposit/district may not be fully known for decades to come. Teck buys at E & E's price or faces the possibility of not meeting legally binding contract conditions...Fail, or risks the posibility of having a very large/major partner who assumes CUU's position and highly favorable contract. These are truely exciting times for us as the BFS accelerates Tecks obligations......Kerry/kcopper9

over 12 years ago
Re: Which one of you is responsible for this?

Godwin's law is a brilliant explaination Prospekt for having the odious term banned or Xd (lols) out from posts on our board. Accordingly the discourse on this board is absolutely much better informed and hence elevated relative to our most unneighbourly neighbours. Trust me when I say that no one will be falling out of a helicopter when the FS is released. I understand that no one wants to feel as if they are being censored. The Moderators have been pretty reasonable even though I sometimes I am not in agreement with their choices. I have to think that we are all fatigued and even a little stir crazy waiting for life changing news. I only need to wander next door to see that I am not loopy cause its like an asylum over there. Peace and Patience to all.....Kerry/kcopper9

over 12 years ago
Re: Weekend poll: What's your high/low purchase price?

I was in prior to the crash at $1.50. After crawling out of the wreckage I bought at .18, .39, .90 and recently at $1.29.While I have not been trading I did become a little overly extravagent and made some flash purchases. I bought my lovely honey badger some fine jewelry and myself a Rolex and a Harley Street Glide. I also went to Vegas really alot.....Now much much wiser I am waiting for the endgame. I hope this is all resolved shortly so that I can watch Iran get @ss kicked on my plasma without any undue stress...Smiles all ...Kerry/kcopper9

over 12 years ago
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