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KalleAnka's Posts

Re: What is POET worth ?

You are right not to believe those numbers. Those are total revenue numbers for smartphones world-wide. The cost (& revenue) of a chip on a phone is a fraction of the cost of the whole device.

over 9 years ago
Re: To change the subject. Monday thoughts ?

I don't know if you've had a chance to read FJ's post on this issue. http://agoracom.com/ir/POETTechnologies/forums/discussion/topics/608937-warrants

Allow me to quote from it:

"I have been advised by one of the large warrant holders that he was contacted by the company and asked if he could exercise his warrants.

I expect they are preparing for the NASDAQ listing among other things?"

If this is true then profit taking would not be the motive and we should see a more orderly release of the shares in to the market.

over 10 years ago
Editorial & Empire Club Timing

According to Chris Chu's response to FJ (http://agoracom.com/ir/POETTechnologies/forums/discussion/topics/606330-my-response-from-chris-chu) POET has commited to a piece in a tech publication. Not sure what the timing of this will be but do we think this is likely to coincide with the Empire Club presentation?

over 10 years ago
Re: E-mail from Chris Chu

Thanks for the update!

I guess this means they don't expect any kind of liquidity event until well after the AGM. Maybe that means I should stop checking this board for updates every 30 minutes :).

over 10 years ago
Re: Nice article about POET from Pinnacle

400billion + 300million = 400.3 billion not 700 billion

but the point still stands

over 10 years ago
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