KaOsiris's Profile

KaOsiris's Posts

Re: Somebody help....Kirk and all.....Fascinating!

You'r absolutely right:

you were the first to post here that the text comes from an ITC document from february.

I think you should count the thumbs to my post where I provided the links, as also being given to your post that was first ;-)

almost 11 years ago
Re: ITC 337-TA-853 - BE CAREFUL FOLKS! This IS NOT from October 2013

The excerpt show in the original messag is NOT an ITC document from october 2013 but corresponds to a document from 02/15/2013:


see also:

http://www.usitc.gov/archive/index.htm (go down to february, 15th 2013)

It was obviously NOT directed to the petition of review of the ID concerning (non)infringement but

"Investigation No. 337-TA-853: Notice of Commission Determination Concerning an Initial Determination Granting a Motion to Amend Complaint and Notice of Investigation"

which was decided as TPL/PTSC had demanded.

So, there is no decision that the actual petiton of review of the ID concerning (non)infringement had been denied.

almost 11 years ago
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