KRY1997's Profile

KRY1997's Posts

Re: kry files audited financial statements and MD&A

Now, all the shareholders of this Co can sleep better knowing that Marc Oppenheimer will be paid 30,000$/month. Surely Crystallex is not behaving like a Company in bankruptcy protection. Quite unbelievable.

about 12 years ago
Re: I'm sure they hoped we were going bankrupt and wouldn't have to deal with us.

Fung's motion on June 7th is out on EY site. He has requested additional stay till Sept 11th.

I believe that a deal behind the scenes, buyout/settlement before that date would not surprise

me, since the MIP has already been blessed by the Court. I still believe it will be facilitated by

Chinese connection.

over 12 years ago
Re: Any thoughts

My thoughts too,exactly.

The judge has not made a comment on the crux of Mr.Reyes's affidavit.... that the Mgt be paid in shares instead of a percetage of the settlement which would have been a fairer decision.

Now, we all know, why Mr.Fung's end game did not necessitate his buying any shares.

over 12 years ago

I am simply amazed by the amount of work that has gone into formulating this MIP. The management started working on the plan since June 2011,barely 3 months after the denial of the permit. I am wondering how much money and efforts went into that.

Did the oversubscribed PP fail because it did not have adequate incentives for the management. Tenor seems to have addressed that with a juicy 10% payout to them.

My sincere thanks to Mr.Reyes for his proposal to the gets a percentage of shares and will have to work to have them appreciate....though 10% is too generous.

Looking forward to a fair closure for all the long suffering shareholders.

over 12 years ago
Re: My Take


CREC's mandate to increase the gold reserves.

Gold market in an uptrend.

LC is a very rich deposit

VZ needs Chinese money.

VZ's good relationship with China.


CREC will not let go an opportunity to mine LC.

Small possibility to get the MOC restructured to JV Company, CREC/KRY and let the deal proceed.

Unlikely that VZ will let CREC mine LC without letting CREC take care of KRY. It is good to have a price tag of 3.8B$.

Buying may have started already...with close to 70M shares over the past 2 weeks and we are going to find out real soon. I truly hope that it is not less than 2B$ range after all these years of twists and turns. It has been a good fall to find out where we stand.

The Best to my fellow shareholders that we get to celebrate soon.

over 13 years ago
Re: Another VHeadline article


I did read the article, again, reading the main aricle from CVG would give us a better sense of the overall picture. There is mention of LC/Brisas and in the next paragraph talking about ALBA and dividing the cooperatives. If you read the whole article, you get a better sense than what is reported on VHeadline. FWIW,

over 13 years ago
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