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Re: Q figures

Hey Ludwig,

I would like to get back in CLL however i am somewhat concerned about a reverse split happening to deal with the debt. I agree with your points, higher oil price, new wells coming on line etc. ....should be all positives going forward.

I am glad to hear your damage is all repaired and yes your neighbour must be pleased that you were willing to help him with the temporary repairs.

The SS emblem usually means SUPER SPORT ....sometimes it it placed on higher horsepower models of certain cars or trucks. I had a neighbour 2 years ago who had 5 cars and lived by himself !! He had a 1969 Cuda that was so dam sick, he had it shipped here,it was a former quarter mile drag car and he put some wipers etc on it and paid a guy $500 to license it. It had 8 inch exhaust on it with no mufflers at all and he drove it around all summer. The cops would drive by our place everyday and wave at us having a beer in his driveway. Orange car with a massive flat black hood scoop on it.....when he started it up the entire neighbourhood would come to see what the hell was going on !! He also had a 700 horsepower 1970 black nova with full roll cage in it .....the guys was nuts but a lot of fun !!!

about 10 years ago
Re: Q figures

Hey Ludwig,

Yes hard to know what to do with this stock right now. Management buying looks nice, but i dont want dilution when i am in it. No doubt there are other options, i just wish i knew what they are doing about the debt right now. Since you mention other stocks, you should really keep your eye on Mountain Province Diamonds on the other board, a very interesting stock indeed.

SO SORRY to hear that Ludwig....i saw something of that here on our weather network. I am so glad we dont get that here !! You are lucky to have a garage to at least keep your cars in.

I am going to look for a dip in the next few weeks and try to get back in CLL once again, and as soon as i can take some profit i will get out. I would like to get in at .19. The price of oil is up nicely now again and i hear something about portable steam pumps for CLL.

over 10 years ago
Re: Q figures

Hey Ludwig,

Yes some insider buying last week or so . We should have sold as you said and took a profit. I will watch it closely and i may buy some more but as soon as a bit of profit is available i will sell it for sure, i dont want to be in if dilution is coming to deal with the debt.

I wish i knew what CLL is brewing up right now ....maybe a partnership or buyout....i think it may run up again shortly.

Yes we have a rare dialect for sure.....the younger generation is starting to lose it over time. We only say it for fun now and will eventually fade away with time.

THE NEWFIE DIALECT is only heard around the outlying bays and harbours, you wont hear it in the city at all !!

over 10 years ago
Re: Q figures

Hey Ludwig,

No i only speak English and Newfie !! lol

Long may your big jib draw !! means ..... may there always be wind in your sails !

Sold all CLL today at .21 ....things looking to shaky to stay in for me right now.

I may buy back in later if an up trend happens.

over 10 years ago
Re: Q figures

Hey Ludwig is she hangin ? more newf slang

Don't see the relation between an old cock (This is a rooster right?) yes .. me old cock means i am talking to a man's she going me old ducky ....means your talking to a doubt very confusing !!

Have you an idea what an infill well is compared to a normal one? I BELIEVE ...and i could be wrong....that it is simply replacing another well that is coming off line or has been pretty much tapped out.....or taking off line the lowest producing wells.

good info thanks....

over 10 years ago
Re: Q figures

Hey Ludwig,

How ya gettin on me old cock ? Newfoundland saying......means are you doing ? lol

I am looking for an exit point now least until financing is done maybe. what do you think we could do in the next month ? where is resistance to now ? I think it was at .47 a while ago.

I agree production could go up in to maybe 35,000 in a year or year and a half maybe if they had the funds to do it.

You would think a big company flush with cash and wanted CLL reserves and know how would make a move to buy them out.

over 10 years ago
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