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JustDusty's Posts

Re: Sculpin's Knowledge & DD

New to posting at agoracom, but not all that new to SLI. It's a little hard on the nerves to see your investment drop 50% (on paper), but coming here and reading the posts helps me weather the storm. I am in it for the long haul so I see this as an opportunity to take advantage of a dip and lower my cost average a little bit more. I also really appreciate all the research and explanations that are offered here from Sculpin et al. I wouldn't know where to start to find this information out on my own so my DD benefits from your expertise and experience. To the naysayers.....you remind me of members from another blog site that I once belonged to.....sigh...I guess every site has people like you. However, the negative Nellie's there were probably just bored and bitter with life as that was more of a social site. I can't help but wonder how much the naysayers here benefit when people panic and run, but then that's probably why they post what they do. Obviously if they truly thought so little about this company and it's management they wouldn't be here, would they? IMO

over 12 years ago
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