Just retired's Profile

20 years in oil and gas business

Just retired's Posts

Re: Hungarian Forint .......Hungary next Greece !

in terms of Hungary:

Hungary next to follow Greece to hell, even Lajos Koza seeing no chance to escape the situation. Fin. deficit more than doubled as to consensus (8%) of late. Go figure !

I wonder who is going to bail out Hungary.

Austrian Bank stocks exposed heavily to the "neighbour" drop 8-10 % today, resp. 15% this week

over 14 years ago
Re: House positions

National Bank selling 300 000 shares from any institution in terms of appearing strong currency change between € and CAD (6 cents drop)......

4 cents in the stock and 6 cents in the currency is 10 cents on the Dollar......

double dip striking even Falcon Oil ....

over 14 years ago
O soly mio........./Its now or never...

Are you the last one to post ?

I guess Bruner and the stocks are going down the falls very soon.

"16,5 cents today" -remember the sp pulling back for the first time after the desaster of Földeak 1 to that lowest level ever for six month.

O soly mio sta in fronte a te !

domani 15 cents

"O sole mio"


over 14 years ago
Re: 13,455 long term stockholders

You are very welcome to buy some shares to join the number of stockholders. Number 13.556 is reserved for you only. Let people dream their retirement dream and get them off the hook.

As everything is in full swing now, activities should be back in line with the Beetaloo expectations very soon.

There is only one possible scenario to imagine: To drill and complete the S 1 in the next 4 month in a row.

If your gut feeling is telling you another scenario feel free to explain your imaginations and time lines of down under in terms of the dry season.

over 14 years ago
Re: In FLA

under the bottom line:

little or no financing, little or no drilling, little or no hope for Beetaloo and the shareholders.....is this your perception ?

BOTOH there was no hype or significant SP increase to discover during the preliminary stage of other financings or PPs.

And the current SP in 2010 between 20 and 23 cents, is more or less a surprise anyway, in the light of the prevailing circumstances......

As Beetaloo is the poping point in 2010 the S 1 has to be reentered, drilled deeper, and fractured in the coming 4 month time window, no matter where the money is coming from.Bruner can not risk to abandon operations for want of money.

My gut feelings tells me, that some news will hit the wire soon and change the entire picture in the second quarter 2010, fingers crossed - FO is not done yet.

over 14 years ago
Re: In FLA

In terms of Spiegel and your unconventional gas in Europe articles, in connection with the fact, that most of the users overhere were left behind, due to the lack of the German language, I want to point out, that the main focus momentarily is the day to day concern of the Beetaloo financing, which is in full swing.

Do you have any evidence, no matter in which language, to prove your statements of lack of interest and no exitement, or do you just want us to take part in your gut feeling ?

If there is any proper evidence you can expose in line with your private expectations in the next couple of days in terms of the addressed financing, could you please mitigate our impatience and post the facts ?

As a matter of fact, the next highlights will be approaching from down under, and the Hungarian Rhapsody is over for the time being....

..my friend from Kassel, wherever Kassel might be, out in the sticks, you plain honest German......have a nice weekend


over 14 years ago
Just retired
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