Johnny H's Profile

Johnny H's Posts

Re: Protestors or activists grow up !

LOL. Have to agree with some of his points, although he seems to infer that corporations do all this for purely selfless and minisculy small profit levels in return. History shows us that it can get skewed towards profits at all costs. Bechtels South American Cochabamba (Governmental brockered) consortium with Aguas del Tunari guaranteed a minimum 15% annual return. In parallel, a law was passed that appeared to give a monopoly to Aguas del Tunari over all water resources, including water used for irrigation, communal water systems and even rainwater collected on roofs. Upon taking control the company raised water tariffs by 35%Just one of many examples of corporate excesses, not to mention Banking Bailouts and CEOs compensation, that the protesters are upset over. They are not all overeducated, underemployed softies who have never worked a hard day in they're lives. Lets keep thing in perspective. JMHO " Release the Hounds"

almost 13 years ago
Run-up/down to BAPE

Common sense would dictate a gradual rise to previous share price values given that most indications are predicting a positive BAPE report. So far, this does not seem to be playing out. Anyone care to venture an educated guess as to why? I don't beleive insiders are unloading yet. Something should be happening soon, lets hope its to the upside.


over 13 years ago
Re: Utica shale decline rate steeper than most.

Correct me if I'm wrong but wouldn't the decline rates be expected to decay faster as apparently only 3 of the eight fracs were deemed successful?


about 14 years ago
Re: June 30 2010 - Stock Price

BCQEC ... Hate to be the contrarian, but seeing how the last price forecasts were mostly overvalued, and with the possibility of the second Horiz. not necessarily meeting expectations or the same high flow rates, I'll put in for $5.50 by June timeframe. I truly hope that I'm overly pessimistic!


Johnny H

over 14 years ago
2009 conference

Good link to the 2009 Energy conference. Apologies if it has been posted previously, but still a good refresher for your Due Diligence. French versions also available at link menu.


Johnny H

over 14 years ago
Re: Talisman Energy Budgets $5.2 Billion in Capital Spending for 2010 Major Increase

Must say that I was expecting more info from the Quebec play. Thinking that perhaps Talisman is purposely "dragging they're feet" in order to ensure and procure a favorable share takeover position. As a few others have noted on this board previously, it seems they could proceed faster if desired. Talisman has ownwership positions in other NA Shale plays and is definately making them they're 2010 priority. We're gonna need some pretty good horizontal numbers in order for this to change. Just my humble opinion, at this time. Any thoughts from other forum members?

over 14 years ago
Johnny H
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