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Question about NOSOF U.S.A. stock

Can anyone tell me why the stock in the USA is not going up along with Noront in Canada like it used to? It used to always follow the same rise or fall pattern as the Canadian stock. All answers will be helpful.

over 11 years ago
Re: Is NOSOF still a part of Noront Resources?

Thanks, just wanted to follow up to make sure it had not changed. The stock seems like it is just very quiet right now.

over 11 years ago
Is NOSOF still a part of Noront Resources?

I have been with Noront Resources for about 8 years. I have the stock in NOSOF in the U.S. I have not seen any movement in my stock fund in weeks. Is this symbol still a part of Noront Resources? I had stop coming to the site after being around and watching for years. This is such a shame that this stock has just not taken off. I am still holding on after all of these years hoping to see this company do what Richard Nemis and all of us hoped it would someday do. Take care all.

over 11 years ago
MCDMF in U.S. is down to .01 cents!

Can anyone tell me if this stock can get to $.0? This just sucks BIG TIME! It was just bad to turn on the computer this morning and see that this stock has gone to almost nothing. I don't have alot invested in this stock but, I am sure alot of other folks do and I just feel sick to my stomach that it is gone. I hope it someday makes a great come back for all.

almost 16 years ago
Here we go AGAIN

It has been a good day all day long and within the last hour, BAM, we are going down again. This pattern is the same everyday it is almost funny now. But, for our little stock, it is not funny. Just typical of the market I guess. Long on NOSOF (NOT).

about 16 years ago
So, what happens TODAY?

What are we going to see today? Big boys mess with us again or do we get left alone and we start to move up? I am hoping for the 2nd to happen. Alot of volumn yesterday which is a good sign. Lets get this moving and let our little project move to where it should be. Long on NOSOF (NOT). Lets go BABY!!!!!!!!!!!

about 16 years ago
Folsom, CA
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