Jingles's Profile

Jingles's Posts

Re: Opt-in

Received my confirmation that Gowling has all the information required and that a copy of opt-in agreement will be sent to me soon


almost 8 years ago
Re: Opt-in

Also received an e-mail Sunday evening asking me for my name on trading account.Thought i had sent that but sent it again.Delma hard at work,Sunday night and Canadian Thanksgiving sunday also, so things must be happening faster if she has to work after hours on this.


almost 8 years ago
Re: Happy Long Weekend with an update

Changed my avatar after we were told that the permit to mine was just a matter of crossing the t,s and dotting the i,s and doubling my position,only to be told,We take all your money,all your mining claims,hospital,water treatment plant,company housing,everything.Get out capitalist pigs.And almost worse an incompetent management team that must of seen the writing on the wall but kept feeding us a positive image to keep people investing in the company. I will try to find my happy avatar only in the hope i can help with giving management a little back of what they gave me/us. A lot of unhappiness,lol

about 8 years ago
Re: Happy Long Weekend with an update

I send all required info to Gowling,Delna Contractor. Full legal name,address,scanned copy of photo id like a drivers license and a redacted copy of brokers report identifing shares held.She said it could be sent as part of an e-mail. Simple as that.


about 8 years ago
Re: Still no word from Mr. Cohen

Im in JJ . I had pretty well given up getting anything back except maybe a few cents on the dollar if i lived another 50 years,lol but i have some optimism now that just maybe i will get at least a portion on my investment back in my life time. Look forward to putting this nightmare behind me forever. Thank you for your breakdown of the opt-in as you see it. It makes it a very clear choice,in my opinion


about 8 years ago
Re: Direct link to Opt-in and Retainer Proposal Would Be Appreciated

I have just sent my notice of interest in this and will just wait and see what the next step is.


about 8 years ago
North Bay,Ontario
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