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JimLaughy's Posts

Re: How did the stock get to $2.78 last year?

But HDfatboylo what else is there to talk about? Someone else can do their own math and tell us all that they feel there is lots of gold and we can all discuss their math and how they came to that decision? We are out of topics. Any day now has come and gone, the cruise plans seem to be on hold, the NRs don't say much, people are mad at Lori, shorters are everywhere, the other board sucks. I can't think of anything else to discuss while still remaining on topic. I've been on this board for quite a while before I ever posted and honestly all that's ever talked aout is in that list. The odd bit of news or a rumour gets beaten to death then we go back to beating the same horses again. Some people like to beat the "I'm tired of this" horse and some like to beat the "oh you just wait, long and strong" horse. It's just a matter of which posts you get tired of seeing.

over 12 years ago
Re: How did the stock get to $2.78 last year?

I agree NorthernBeattie. I'm not sure why the guys with pie in the sky posts all the time can't be called pumpers but people who feel Lori isn't doing a good job are whiners. This is a discussion board and some people are not happy with The way Lori has done things, some people are really happy (I think that number is shrinking). To discredit someone's post by saying they don't know anything is ridiculous. How do you know what someone knows or doesn't know? Unless you know thhem personally I'd say you're just bashing someone because they share a different point of view. I've even seen some people try to blame the last sp tanking on people not being positive enough or being "truly long" whatever that means. If people are mad that Lori hired her secretary as a director they have a right to complain. Saying "if you don't like it leave" is pretty grade school. I guess I could say "if you don't like discussion then you leave". It is a discussion board after all. In the end, if this plays out there will be a lot of "I told you so" and i hope those guys are right. I'm hanging onto my shares but I can't say "good or bad" or "till the end" like many. I guess I need my money more than some. My faith in Lori is dwindling and when it gets low enough I'm out. I hope that day doesn't come but she sure hasn't inspired confidence lately.

I guess in the end, if you don't like what a poster has to say skip their posts, I know I do.

over 12 years ago
Re: Leaks

Ok I guess it's just me who saw that sell off just before the NR as fishy.

over 12 years ago
Re: Leaks

Ok thanks. It just seems like somebody knew something before the rest of us did. When there is massive selling before an NR that is looked on as sub par it makes me wonder.

over 12 years ago
Re: Leaks

Who was doing all the selling just before the NR? It sure seemed like they knew something before the rest of us.

over 12 years ago

I have seen a few people mention this but I don't think it's been discussed. I'm sorry if it has and I missed it.

It seems pretty obvious that there were insiders selling early before the NR. Has this been addressed by management? What have they done to make sure this doesn't happen again? Who was responsible? I want to stay long but knowing that someone is capable of doing this and seems to be getting away with it makes me nervous. I think Lori handled this poorly as so far I haven't seen her do much to make me think she won't screw it up again.

over 12 years ago
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