JimInvest's Profile

JimInvest's Posts

Re: Reminder - Acceptable Posting Behavior

Very odd indeed. I spent some time reading past posts. I don't recall PB22 ever using the filthy language used by other members here. I don't recall him making any derogatory comments unlike the many still in evidence here. Yet, all of his posts seem to have disappeared while all of filthy, derogatory posts remain.

It looks like johnstockmaster's posts have also been removed. Funny how the only two that expressed negative opinions had their messages removed while the offenders were allowed to remain.

So much for - "Be good to your fellow members, respect their opinions" and "We welcome all opinions"

over 12 years ago
Re: MY GAWD! What a loony bin

What is an iHub moderator?

So what if she lost money investing in something else? I checked out RPTN and if she was trashing it, it looks like she was right.

But why would she have money in it if she was trashing it? That just does not compute.

I have not had the time to read all the posts but from what I have read she seems to be the most sane person here. I have seen no dirty names or hate from her. That seems to be coming mostly from you and a couple of others.

You say you welcome any viewpoint but from what I have seen you attack anyone who posts something negative. That's not exactly welcoming.

Right now I'm just exploring.

over 12 years ago
MY GAWD! What a loony bin

I got here from forum buzz section on the small cap page an find people calling other people filthy names, a bunch of guys ganging up to pick on a woman and all kinds of discusting posts. What is the matter with you people?

over 12 years ago
Re: Any price - performance projections?

Thank you, I was actually hoping to start a conversation with anyone here that has been following the company, not actually submit a question to IR.

Thank you for the links.

over 12 years ago
Any price - performance projections?

The latest trend seems to be downward. Any reasons?

over 12 years ago
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