Jazzpa's Profile

Jazzpa's Posts

Re: Search results / links

 Hi Tannersfriend, as a work-around you can always press the Ctrl button on your keyboard and click on the link.

almost 8 years ago
Re: Thread View

Great. Just leave the button where it is, but disabled.

almost 8 years ago
Remark regarding UX of Agoracom 3.0

First of all, I really like the new design - refreshing!

I have one remark regarding the UX on 'read message' screen. There's a row of buttons there with various actions:


I always read the forum in List Message View so the 'NEXT MESSAGE' and sometimes the 'PREV MESSAGE' buttons are quite usefull to me. Two things about that:

1. Placing - I think I naturally expect the PREV MESSAGE button on the left side of the screen and the NEXT MESSAGE on the right side of that. Now it's the opposite.
2. Coloring - There are two actionable buttons where you stay on the screen (REPLY, THREADED VIEW) and with the others you navigate away from the page. The difference between the green and blue buttons seems not logic at the moment?

Just my 2 cents.

almost 8 years ago
Re: Message view

Oh they are not, it just shows a (0) as counter, but they are there. Sorry.

almost 8 years ago
Re: Message view

Yes, the sorting is messed up and should be fixed.

All the old private messages are gone by the way.

almost 8 years ago
How the SoC is Displacing the CPU

The silicon transistor continues to be at the heart of post-PC era products like the smartphone, the tablet and the smartwatch. However, the success metrics for the transistor are quite different now than they have been in the past.


almost 8 years ago
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