Jayview's Profile

Jayview's Posts

Re: NR

Buenas tardes, senor medico. Must have fallen asleep together with AR over the last year.

Strange news, just today Desjardins Securities lowerer it's target ! Reason: AR is pushing out assumed start date at San A.

It is agonising how one can be subjected to, sometimes on the same page, a few very contrary sribblings and ideas.

Did sell most of my shares, but not when our dear old friend Brian did, too bad.



almost 8 years ago
Re: PR

Andres, you should ( have been ) in BCE. I fought with them without success for many years and issues, than I bought a bundle and the gain over the last 10 years made up for all the little, monthly bundle problems they would have no interest in fixing for me. Lost a few $, but gained a few K's.

If you don't like them ( gas prices ), buy them, IMO, CP, TRP, RY, TD.

Our little fun, AR, KWH.UN and others are what they are, fun money, for our little excitement.

Hailstorm coming from you to me killed " ALL " my vegies in the ground.

No cheers

about 8 years ago
Re: Update on Magino

A good read and the market shows a BIG YAWN

over 9 years ago
Re: Portee would be pumped !!

Portee was dreaming about a DRIP for this baby, would be in the long run better than a dividend re- raise ?

As for fat, I would be all with him, rendering my own porc leaf fat for a marvelous spread on dark rye.

I am sure he is with the angels, but the cake I could live without


over 9 years ago
Re: march 25 - Not too shabby!

This paragraph seems to be a bit troubling:

"" Customer growth returned to normalized levels in the fourth quarter as the Company added approximately 82,000 customers. However net customer count decreased by approximately 10,000 customers as attrition was higher than expected. In the period, customer drops in the lower margin commercial segment increased as we exercised pricing discipline in this market segment. The Company also was impacted by higher than normal numbers of contracts coming up for renewal, despite achieving strong average renewal rates of more than 70%.""

over 9 years ago
march 25

Whos has a cristall ball, can give us a pre easter bunny present and tell us tomorrow's results ?

over 9 years ago
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