Jagger's Profile

Jagger's Posts

Re: Is it not a question of ethics ... ?

That's one of various reasons I would say, don't count on the media. I have heard that complaint numerous times. Don't count on them to show an interest in what is important. Don't count them to accurately portray it if or when they do. And don't make the mistake of thinking that any one of them is better than the other. I've worked for all the big names.

Your observation of the comments re: Donald Bastien are accurate as well. Media is filled with the like. With ownership like Bell, Rogers, Shaw, etc. media has been reduced to being barely a shell of what it once was. It certainly isn't living up to what it could be.

over 11 years ago
Re: How? "The media is not the answer"

Agreed. I'd never count on the media. Work on a strong group.

over 11 years ago
Re: How?

Sadly, that's my point.

I would suggest recognizing the deficiencies of this side and shoring them up. Don't rely on the media. They were bought a long time ago.

over 11 years ago
Re: How?

There are many very worthy topics that really do deserve investigative reporting in this world. Most of them do not garner the attention they deserve. That is partly our fault (the public) for not TELLING them to report on what is worthy. We swallow the tabloid fodder that they feed us.

They have contact information. Hammer them with enough e-mail and phone calls and they might pay attention.

over 11 years ago
Re: How?


Backtrack - I've been watching this site for many months. I am a small shareholder, not a significant shareholder. But based on principle, I am extremely unhappy with Lori. Sell them a product, take their money, then treat them like they're insignificant. Not cool.

I work in media.

After the massive disaster in Japan (and the threat is not over) two nuclear reactors were under threat in Nebraska from widespread flooding with the Missouri overflowing its banks.

A story like that should have garnered non-stop attention. Google it. See how much attention it actually got.

Maybe it would have got attention if Justin Bieber was the CEO and having an affair with Vice President Rhianna.

That's just one example of many. Don't count on the media. They do not care.

There's a good base here. Build on the expertise you have; add what you think you may be missing (legal expertise?).

over 11 years ago
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